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OLAC Record oai:www.mpi.nl:lat_1839_00_0000_0000_0017_EE0A_5 |
Metadata | ||
Title: | TS29Sep9601S3_Tsabo | |
Tsabo Manku junsi Jo / La Tía Estrella y el Condor / Aunt Star and the Condor | ||
Contributor (annotator): | Alfonso | |
Contributor (author): | Catalina | |
Coverage: | Ecuador | |
Congomita | ||
Description: | Una grabación de audio (veinte uno minutos) que está transcribida, cortada, glosada y traducida a español e inglés. Catalina Calazacón cuenta una historia sobre dos hermanas que son trasladas al mundo de la tía estrella y el cóndor por un halcón. Las hermanas trabajan para la Tía Estrella pero una es muy desobediente y al fin es comida por el cóndor. La Tía Estrella proteja a la otra y manda ella a la tierra otra vez. Pero la hermana pierde los beneficios de la Tía Estrella por la celosa de su cuñada. | |
An audio recording of three minutes and thirty-seven seconds, transcribed, parsed, glossed and translated into Spanish and English. Catalina Calazacón tells the story of two sisters who are carried off to the land of Aunt Star and the Condor by a hawk. The two sisters work for the Aunt Star but one is very disobedient and is ultimately eaten by the brother of Aunt Star, the condor. Aunt Star manages to cleverly protect the other sister and eventually sends her back down to the earth. However she loses the benefits provided by Aunt Star due to the jealousy of her sister-in-law. | ||
Format: | audio/x-wav | |
text/x-toolbox-text | ||
text/x-eaf+xml | ||
Identifier (URI): | https://hdl.handle.net/1839/00-0000-0000-0017-EE0A-5 | |
Is Part Of: | DoBeS archive : Tsafiki project | |
Language: | Colorado; Tsafiki | |
Spanish | ||
Language (ISO639): | cof | |
spa | ||
Publisher: | The Language Archive, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics | |
Subject: | Colorado language | |
Tsafiki | ||
Spanish language | ||
Subject (ISO639): | cof | |
spa | ||
Type (DCMI): | Sound | |
Text | ||
OLAC Info |
Archive: | The Language Archive | |
Description: | http://www.language-archives.org/archive/www.mpi.nl | |
GetRecord: | OAI-PMH request for OLAC format | |
GetRecord: | Pre-generated XML file | |
OAI Info |
OaiIdentifier: | oai:www.mpi.nl:lat_1839_00_0000_0000_0017_EE0A_5 | |
DateStamp: | 2018-04-06 | |
GetRecord: | OAI-PMH request for simple DC format | |
Search Info | ||
Citation: | Catalina. n.d. DoBeS archive : Tsafiki project. | |
Terms: | area_Americas area_Europe country_EC country_ES dcmi_Sound dcmi_Text iso639_cof iso639_spa | |
Inferred Metadata | ||
Country: | EcuadorSpain | |
Area: | AmericasEurope |