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OLAC Record oai:soas.ac.uk:MPI1285920 |
Metadata | ||
Title: | cocinando en tehuelche | |
tehuelche18 | ||
Usos cotidianos del tehuelche (aonekko 'a'ien) - homenaje a Dora Manchado | ||
Contributor: | Nicolas | |
Contributor (researcher): | Maggie | |
Javier | ||
Contributor (speaker): | Dora | |
Coverage: | Argentina | |
Date: | 2018-08-10 | |
Description: | Esta sesión sigue el proceso de la preparación de un plato de cocina desde el principio. La idea para la elicitación tenía que ver con un campo de acción (frases comunicativas) y con un campo semántico. Habíamos probado elicitar costumbres tehuelches para cocinar, tipos de comida y demás, sin demasiado éxito. Sin embargo, cocinar era parte de nuestra tarea diaria y notábamos que Dora era capaz de recordar mucho más en esos momentos que cuando la elicitación tomaba un tono más formal. Entonces decidimos sencillamente grabar una de las veces que cocinamos junto a ella. Fue muy difícil reconstruir el vocabulario para preparar la sesión, porque parecía que contábamos con pocos recursos. Sin embargo, Dora participó y tradujo desde el vamos con una sorprendente memoria. El plato que elegimos fue gnocchi, una pasta italiana hecha con papas. En primer lugar, sabíamos el nombre de los ingredientes y, en segundo lugar, es un plato fácil de preparar y que lleva mucho trabajo plástico. Como efecto negativo, tardamos mucho en cocinar, porque nos interrumpíamos continuamente para pedirle a Dora que nos tradujera. A pesar de esto, esta sesión nos dio una especial satisfacción porque logramos mostrar una gran parte de la lengua que parecía sumergida fuera de contexto, pero que nosotros escuchábamos casi a diario. This session follows the process of preparing a cooking dish from the beginning. The idea for the elicitation had more to do with a context of action (the cooking communicative phrases) and with the semantic field. We had tried to elicit Tehuelche customs for cooking, types of food and so on, without much success. However, cooking was part of our daily task and we noticed that Dora Manchado was able to remember much more in those moments than when confronted with a more formal type of elicitation. We decided then, simply to record one of the times we cooked with her. It was very difficult to reconstruct the vocabulary to prepare the session, because it seemed that we had few resources. Most of the phrases that we knew were too isolated to build a coherent text. However, Dora participated and translated from the start with a surprising memory. The dish we chose was gnocchi, an Italian pasta made with potatoes. In the first place, we knew the name of the ingredients and, secondly, it is an easy dish to prepare and it takes a lot of plastic work. As a negative effect, it took us a long time to cook, because we continually interrupted the kitchen work to ask Dora to translate. Despite this, this session gave us a special satisfaction because we managed to reveal a large part of the language that seemed submerged out of context, but that we listened to almost daily. | |
Dora Manchado was regarded as the 'last speaker' of her language. | ||
Nicolas Duval, BAC student on Anhtropology, Université de Montréal. He collaborated with the fieldwork, especially with filming and archiving, and much more. | ||
Maggie Sood, MA in Documentary Linguistics, was a co-researcher in this project. She had already visited the community and worked with Dora Manchado in 2017, and had quickly gained her confidence. | ||
Main researcher. | ||
Format: | audio/x-wav | |
video/mp4 | ||
text/x-eaf+xml | ||
Identifier: | oai:soas.ac.uk:MPI1285920 | |
SG0547 | ||
Identifier (URI): | https://lat1.lis.soas.ac.uk/ds/asv?openpath=MPI1285920%23 | |
Publisher: | Javier Domingo | |
Université de Montréal | ||
Subject: | action and description | |
Tehuelche language | ||
Spanish language | ||
Subject (ISO639): | teh | |
spa | ||
Type: | Audio | |
Video | ||
OLAC Info |
Archive: | Endangered Languages Archive | |
Description: | http://www.language-archives.org/archive/soas.ac.uk | |
GetRecord: | OAI-PMH request for OLAC format | |
GetRecord: | Pre-generated XML file | |
OAI Info |
OaiIdentifier: | oai:soas.ac.uk:MPI1285920 | |
DateStamp: | 2019-04-25 | |
GetRecord: | OAI-PMH request for simple DC format | |
Search Info | ||
Citation: | Dora (speaker); Nicolas; Maggie (researcher); Javier (researcher). 2018-08-10. Javier Domingo. | |
Terms: | area_Americas area_Europe country_AR country_ES iso639_spa iso639_teh | |
Inferred Metadata | ||
Country: | ArgentinaSpain | |
Area: | AmericasEurope |