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OLAC Record oai:soas.ac.uk:MPI1285915 |
Metadata | ||
Title: | Piedrabuena y sus imágenes | |
tehuelche23 | ||
Usos cotidianos del tehuelche (aonekko 'a'ien) - homenaje a Dora Manchado | ||
Contributor: | Nicolas | |
Contributor (researcher): | Maggie | |
Javier | ||
Contributor (speaker): | Dora | |
Coverage: | Argentina | |
Date: | 2018-08-03 | |
Description: | Esta sesión fue hecha en un viaje a Comandante Luis Piedrabuena, dos horas al norte de Río Gallegos. La ciudad está extrañamente ornamentada con esculturas, pinturas, murales y cartones de muy variados estilos, pero que a menudo representan imágenes de tehuelches tradicionales. Algunas de estas imágenes son imaginariamente artísticas, otras intentan ser realistas u históricas, y la mayoría tiene que ver con el personaje “Patoruzú” – un personaje de historietas, imaginado tehuelche. Quisimos usar a estos personajes para hacer descripciones físicas, vestimenta y demás. Además, nos interesaba la opinión de Dora sobre esas representaciones, y su propia percepción sobre “ser tehuelche”. Recorrimos la ciudad sacándonos fotos y solicitando cortas traducciones. El uso de la lengua es, de todos modos, bastante escaso. En un cierto momento vemos la bandera tehuelche (el único lugar donde la vimos izada). Le mostramos a Dora la bandera y le pedimos que nos diga cómo está formada (los colores y la forma). Esta misma tarea no había podido ser posible cuando las personas de la comunidad que estaban interesadas en esta documentación organizaron una serie de encuentros especialmente para esto. En esa ocasión Dora sencillamente se negó a responder. Es otro de los ejemplos que ilustran cómo el uso de la lengua no aparece en contextos artificiales. Hacia el final del video, grabado siempre desde el auto, llegamos a un lugar marcado como “histórico”, en la Isla Pavón (puesto de vanguardia argentino antes de que el territorio patagónico fuera conquistado) donde un gran grupo de tehuelches adoptó la bandera argentina. Un monumento en madera quiere representar un tehuelche. Dora opinó que eso no era un tehuelche, si no un palo. This session was made on a trip to Comandante Luis Piedrabuena, a small town two hours north of Río Gallegos. The place is strangely ornamented with sculptures, paintings, murals and cartons of varied styles, but that often represent images of traditional Tehuelches. Some of these images are imaginatively artistic, others try to be realistic or historical, but most of them have to do with "Patoruzú" – a popular Argentinian comic character, supposed Tehuelche. We wanted to use these characters to make physical descriptions, styles, dresses and so on. In addition, we were interested in Dora's opinion about these representations, and her own perception about "being Tehuelche". We toured the city taking photos and requesting short translations. The use of the language is, however, quite scarce. At a certain moment, we see the Tehuelche flag. It is the only place where we saw it hoisted. We show Dora the flag and ask her to tell us how it is (colors and shape). This same task had not been possible when the people of the community who were interested in this documentation organized a series of meetings, especially for this purpose. On that occasion, Dora simply refused to answer. This is another example that shows that language does not appear in artificial contexts. Towards the end of the video, always recorded from the car, we arrived at a place marked as "historical", on the Pavón Island (an Argentine vanguard post before the Patagonian territory was conquered) where a large group of Tehuelches adopted the Argentine flag. A wooden monument wants to represent a Tehuelche. Dora thought that this was not a Tehuelche, but just a stick. | |
Dora Manchado was regarded as the 'last speaker' of her language. | ||
Nicolas Duval, BAC student on Anhtropology, Université de Montréal. He collaborated with the fieldwork, especially with filming and archiving, and much more. | ||
Maggie Sood, MA in Documentary Linguistics, was a co-researcher in this project. She had already visited the community and worked with Dora Manchado in 2017, and had quickly gained her confidence. | ||
Main researcher. | ||
Format: | audio/x-wav | |
video/mp4 | ||
Identifier: | oai:soas.ac.uk:MPI1285915 | |
SG0547 | ||
Identifier (URI): | https://lat1.lis.soas.ac.uk/ds/asv?openpath=MPI1285915%23 | |
Publisher: | Javier Domingo | |
Université de Montréal | ||
Subject: | car ride, conversation | |
Tehuelche language | ||
Spanish language | ||
Subject (ISO639): | teh | |
spa | ||
Type: | Audio | |
Video | ||
OLAC Info |
Archive: | Endangered Languages Archive | |
Description: | http://www.language-archives.org/archive/soas.ac.uk | |
GetRecord: | OAI-PMH request for OLAC format | |
GetRecord: | Pre-generated XML file | |
OAI Info |
OaiIdentifier: | oai:soas.ac.uk:MPI1285915 | |
DateStamp: | 2019-04-25 | |
GetRecord: | OAI-PMH request for simple DC format | |
Search Info | ||
Citation: | Dora (speaker); Nicolas; Maggie (researcher); Javier (researcher). 2018-08-03. Javier Domingo. | |
Terms: | area_Americas area_Europe country_AR country_ES iso639_spa iso639_teh | |
Inferred Metadata | ||
Country: | ArgentinaSpain | |
Area: | AmericasEurope |