OLAC Logo OLAC resources in and about the Pirahã language

ISO 639-3: myp

The combined catalog of all OLAC participants contains the following resources that are relevant to this language:

Other known names and dialect names: Múra, Múra-Pirahã

Use faceted search to explore resources for Pirahã language.

Lexical resources

  1. ONLINECrúbadán language data for Pirahã. Kevin Scannell. 2018. The Crúbadán Project. oai:crubadan.org:myp
  2. Mura-Pirahã Museu Wordlist [2]. Heinrichs, Arlo (researcher). 1961. SIL International. oai:sil.org:89378
  3. Mura-Pirahã Museu Wordlist [1]. Heinrichs, Arlo (researcher). 1963. SIL International. oai:sil.org:89379

Language descriptions

  1. ONLINEGlottolog 5.0 Resources for Pirahã. n.a. 2024. Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology. oai:glottolog.org:pira1253
  2. ONLINEPHOIBLE 2.0 phonemic inventories for Pirahã. n.a. 2019. Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History. oai:phoible.org:pira1253
  3. A língua pirahã e a teoria da sintaxe: Descrição, perspectivas e teoria. Everett, Daniel L. 1983. SIL International. oai:sil.org:10021
  4. ONLINEPirahã. Everett, Daniel L. 1986. SIL International. oai:sil.org:1525
  5. A língua pirahã e a teoria da sintaxe: Descrição, perspectivas e teoria. Everett, Daniel L. 1991. Universidade Estadual de Campinas. oai:sil.org:3061
  6. Some morphophonemic and tone perturbation rules in Mura-Pirahã. Sheldon, Steven N. n.d. SIL International. oai:sil.org:61986
  7. ONLINESynthesis as Feedback in Field Linguistics. Grimes, Joseph E. 2010. Associação Internacional de Linguística - SIL Brasil. oai:sil.org:74923
  8. ONLINEPirahã Clitic Doubling. Everett, Daniel L. 1987. SIL International. oai:sil.org:89110
  9. On Clitics and Morphosyntactic Structure: Evidence from Yágua and Pirahã. Everett, Daniel L. 1986. SIL International. oai:sil.org:89113
  10. A Beginning Look at Surface Structure of Mura-Pirahã Independent Clauses. Sheldon, Steven N. 1969. SIL International. oai:sil.org:89257
  11. A Paradigmatic Attempt to Elicit Interrogatives. Sheldon, Steven N. 1976. SIL International. oai:sil.org:89258
  12. Pirahã Pedagogical Grammar. Sheldon, Linda. 1976. SIL International. oai:sil.org:89269
  13. Mura-Pirahã Phonemic Statement. Heinrichs, Vi; Heinrichs, Arlo. 1963. SIL International. oai:sil.org:89270
  14. Preliminary Analysis of the Verb Suffix System in Múra-Pirahã. Sheldon, Steven N. 1969. SIL International. oai:sil.org:89369
  15. Pirahã Relationals, A Beginning Attempt. Sheldon, Steven N. 1973. SIL International. oai:sil.org:89370
  16. Mura-Pirahã Verb Suffixes. Sheldon, Steven N. 1977. SIL International. oai:sil.org:89374
  17. Some Mura-Pirahã Verbal Affixes. Sheldon, Steven N. 1976. SIL International. oai:sil.org:89375
  18. Preliminary Notes on Mura-Pirahã Grammar. Heinrichs, Vi; Heinrichs, Arlo. 1966. SIL International. oai:sil.org:89377
  19. ONLINEWALS Online Resources for Pirahã. n.a. 2022. Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology. oai:wals.info:prh
  20. ONLINELAPSyD Online page for Pirahã. Maddieson, Ian. 2009. www.lapsyd.ddl.cnrs.fr. oai:www.lapsyd.ddl.ish-lyon.cnrs.fr:src122

Other resources about the language

  1. ONLINEPirahã. Everett, Daniel L. 1986. Handbook of Amazonian Languages 1. oai:refdb.wals.info:246
  2. ONLINEOn metrical constituent structure in Piraha. Everett, Daniel L. 1988. WALS Online RefDB. oai:refdb.wals.info:1515
  3. ONLINESyllable Onsets and Stress Placement in Piraha. Everett, Daniel L.; Everett, Karen. 1984. Proceedings of the West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics 3. oai:refdb.wals.info:1516
  4. ONLINEA lingua piraha e a teoria da sintaxe: descricao, perspectivas e teoria. Everett, Daniel L. 1991. Editora de Unicamp. oai:refdb.wals.info:2942
  5. ONLINELinguistic Diversity in Space and Time. Nichols, Johanna. 1992. University of Chicago Press. oai:refdb.wals.info:4050
  6. ONLINENoun Classification Systems of Amazonian Languages. Derbyshire, Desmond C.; Payne, Doris L. 1990. Amazonian Linguistics, Studies in Lowland South American Languages. oai:refdb.wals.info:4073
  7. ONLINEPirahã: a language of Brazil. n.a. 2018. SIL International. oai:ethnologue.com:myp
  8. ONLINELINGUIST List Resources for Pirahã. Damir Cavar, eLinguistics Foundation Board Member (editor); Malgorzata E. Cavar, Director of Linguist List (editor). 2022-05-31. The LINGUIST List (www.linguistlist.org). oai:linguistlist.org:lang_myp
  9. Indigenous literatures: Oral and written literature and the influence of language borrowing in relation to male and female speech differences. Fortune, Gretchen. 1988. SIL International. oai:sil.org:731
  10. Os fonemas do Mura-Pirahã. Heinrichs, Arlo. 1964. SIL International. oai:sil.org:1406
  11. ONLINEO diálogo e a seleção de dados para uma gramática. Everett, Daniel L. 1986. SIL International. oai:sil.org:1516
  12. ONLINEOn metrical constituent structure in Pirahã phonology. Everett, Daniel L. 1988. SIL International. oai:sil.org:1734
  13. Syllable weight, sloppy phonemes, and channels in Pirahã discourse. Everett, Daniel L. 1985. Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society: February 16-18, 1985, Mary Niepokuj and others (eds.). oai:sil.org:1912
  14. ONLINEAcentuação, tom e silabificação no pirahã. Everett, Daniel L. 1981. SIL International. oai:sil.org:1974
  15. ONLINEPhonetic rarities in Pirahã. Everett, Daniel L. 1982. SIL International. oai:sil.org:2216
  16. ONLINEDialogue and the selection of data for a grammar. Everett, Daniel L. 1985. Marcelo Dascal and Hubert Cuykens, eds., Dialogue: An interdisciplinary approach. Amsterdam / Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 1985. oai:sil.org:2268
  17. ONLINENotas preliminares sôbre núcleos oracionais contrastivos em mura-pirahã. Heinrichs, Arlo. 1967. Atas do Simpósio sôbre a Biota Amazônica, vol. 2. oai:sil.org:2755
  18. ONLINESome morphophonemic and tone perturbation rules in Mura-Pirahã. Sheldon, Steven N. 1974. SIL International. oai:sil.org:2914
  19. ONLINEMorphosyntactic areal characteristics of Amazonian languages. Derbyshire, Desmond C. 1987. SIL International. oai:sil.org:6224
  20. From endangered to less endangered: case studies from Brazil and Papua New Guinea. Cahill, Michael. 2000. SIL International. oai:sil.org:6490
  21. ONLINEFrom endangered to less endangered: case histories from Brazil and Papua New Guinea. Cahill, Michael. 2004. SIL International. oai:sil.org:7880
  22. ONLINEOs sufixos verbais múra-piraha. Sheldon, Steven N. 1988. SIL International. oai:sil.org:16972
  23. ONLINETernarity and obligatory branching in Pirahã. Everett, Daniel L. 1986. SIL International. oai:sil.org:40163
  24. ONLINEEndangered languages and Bible translation in Brazil and Papua New Guinea. Cahill, Michael. 2015. Marianne Beerle-Moor and Vitaly Voinov, eds., Language Vitality Through Bible Translation. Berkeley Insights in Linguistics and Semiotics 95; New York: Peter Lang. 9781433128929. oai:sil.org:75878
  25. ONLINEA Sociolinguistic Survey of the Ethnolinguistic Groups Around the Intersection of the Marmelos River and the Trans-Amazon Highway. Anonby, Stan. 2018. SIL International. oai:sil.org:78614

Other known names and dialect names: Múra, Múra-Pirahã

Other search terms: dialect, vernacular, lexicon, dictionary, vocabulary, wordlist, phrase book, grammar, syntax, morphology, phonology, orthography

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