OLAC Record

Title:Nobmey – Origin of the name of the Phong people
Contributor (compiler):Stephen Morey
Contributor (consultant):Nobmey Songthing
Date Created:2012-10-29
Description:One recording in which Mr Nobmey Songthing talks about the origin of the name of the Phong people. This consists of one sound file: nst-pho_20121029_07_SM_T_Nobmey_NameOfPhongPeople The details of this recording are as follows: nst-pho_20121029_07_SM_T_Nobmey_NameOfPhongPeople_Duration 2’44”, Name of the Ponthai people. The correct name of the people is Phong. The word nukta is used to mean ‘our people’. This recording also dealt with the origin of the word Ponthai. This was explained as follows: “Long ago the Zamindar at Margherita who did not know the correct name. There was a dispute about damage to crops by the buffalo between two people, and the Zamindar justified awarding the judgement to the Ponthai person, saying that they had the right point. So the people who say the correct words, are called point thik (they have a right point), hence Ponthai. The correct name is phong.The political officer at that time was Bipin Borgohain.”
Identifier (URI):https://hdl.handle.net/1839/ffa4ba73-f466-44c1-b8bd-4e0fe1426fda
Is Part Of:DoBeS archive : Tangsa, Tai, Singpho in North East India
Tase Naga; Tangsa - Nukta variety (general name Ponthai)
Language (ISO639):asm
Publisher:The Language Archive, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics
Subject:Assamese language
Tase Naga language
Tangsa - Nukta variety (general name Ponthai)
English language
Subject (ISO639):asm
Type (DCMI):Sound


Archive:  The Language Archive
Description:  http://www.language-archives.org/archive/www.mpi.nl
GetRecord:  OAI-PMH request for OLAC format
GetRecord:  Pre-generated XML file

OAI Info

OaiIdentifier:  oai:www.mpi.nl:tla_1839_ffa4ba73_f466_44c1_b8bd_4e0fe1426fda
DateStamp:  2022-09-13
GetRecord:  OAI-PMH request for simple DC format

Search Info

Citation: Stephen Morey (compiler); Nobmey Songthing (consultant). 2012-10-29. DoBeS archive : Tangsa, Tai, Singpho in North East India.
Terms: area_Asia area_Europe country_GB country_IN country_MM dcmi_Sound iso639_asm iso639_eng iso639_nst

Inferred Metadata

Country: United KingdomIndiaMyanmar
Area: AsiaEurope

Up-to-date as of: Wed Sep 14 8:53:18 EDT 2022