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OLAC Record oai:www.mpi.nl:tla_1839_f9d8340c_2053_4cdf_badb_ce4ad64c2b0a |
Metadata | ||
Title: | Yanger Thungwa – Grammatical Recordings 4 | |
Contributor (compiler): | Stephen Morey | |
Contributor (consultant): | Longkhap Yanger Thungwa | |
Coverage: | India | |
Date Created: | 2013-03-02 | |
Description: | Thirty-one recordings in which Mr Longkhap Yanger Thungwa demonstrates some grammatical features of the Chamchang variety of Tangsa. This includes the following sound files: nst-kim_20130302_01_SM_T_Yanger_VerbAlternation nst-kim_20130302_02_SM_T_Yanger_VerbAlternation nst-kim_20130302_03_SM_T_Yanger_VerbAlternation nst-kim_20130302_04_SM_T_Yanger_VerbAlternation nst-kim_20130302_05_SM_T_Yanger_VerbAlternation nst-kim_20130302_06_SM_T_Yanger_VerbAlternation nst-kim_20130302_07_SM_T_Yanger_Hortative nst-kim_20130303_01_SM_T_Yanger_VerbAlternation nst-kim_20130303_02_SM_T_Yanger_VerbAlternation nst-kim_20130303_03_SM_T_Yanger_VerbAlternation nst-kim_20130303_04_SM_T_Yanger_VerbAlternation nst-kim_20130303_05_SM_T_Yanger_VerbAlternation nst-kim_20130303_06_SM_T_Yanger_ToneContrast nst-kim_20130303_07_SM_T_Yanger_AgentiveNominalisations nst-kim_20130303_08_SM_T_Yanger_PossesivePrefixes nst-kim_20130304_01_SM_T_Yanger_Grammar nst-kim_20130304_02_SM_T_Yanger_SimultaneousConstruction nst-kim_20130304_03_SM_T_Yanger_SimultaneousConstruction nst-kim_20130304_04_SM_T_Yanger_Grammar nst-kim_20130304_05_SM_T_Yanger_Causatives nst-kim_20130304_06_SM_T_Yanger_NegativeCopula nst-kim_20130304_07_SM_T_Yanger_NegativeCopula nst-kim_20130304_08_SM_T_Yanger_Prohibitives nst-kim_20130304_09_SM_T_Yanger_NonAgentiveParticles nst-kim_20130304_10_SM_T_Yanger_NonAgentiveParticles nst-kim_20130304_11_SM_T_Yanger_TagQuestions nst-kim_20130304_12_SM_T_Yanger_MiddleVoice nst-kim_20130304_13_SM_T_Yanger_MiddleVoice nst-kim_20130304_14_SM_T_Yanger_Adjectives nst-kim_20130304_15_SM_T_Yanger_Adjectives nst-kim_20130305_01_SM_T_Yanger_Months The details of these recordings are as follows: nst-kim_20130302_01_SM_T_Yanger_VerbAlternation_Duration 2’07”, Verb alternations; about the verb ho ‘carry’ Two sentences were given in exemplification a¹ra² a¹ho³ chang¹ axra axhof changx ‘this is to be carried’ (with high tone) a¹ra² ho²ho²-laq axra hoholaq ‘carry this one!’ The two forms of the verb are the ‘noun form’ with a¹- prefix and the form that combines with agreement markers such as the imperative nst-kim_20130302_02_SM_T_Yanger_VerbAlternation_Duration 0’36”, Verb alternations – verbs for ‘drink’, ‘eat’ nst-kim_20130302_03_SM_T_Yanger_VerbAlternation_Duration 12’26”, Verb Alternations (Chamchang Verb Alternative Pairs.doc) Verbs in CALMSEA list verbs of utterance, motion and cognition nst-kim_20130302_04_SM_T_Yanger_VerbAlternation_Duration 7’39”, Verb Alternations (Chamchang Verb Alternative Pairs.doc) Verbs in the CALMSEA list from ‘eat’ to ‘kick’ (action verbs) nst-kim_20130302_05_SM_T_Yanger_VerbAlternation_Duration 1’12”, Verb Alternations (Chamchang Verb Alternative Pairs.doc) Verbs in the CALMSEA list from ‘sell’ to ‘boil’ nst-kim_20130302_06_SM_T_Yanger_VerbAlternation_Duration 0’52”, Verb Alternations – the verb a¹khe³ (axkhef) ‘watch’ with high tone; the tone does not vary in form. The verb a¹khe² ‘draw water’ has the form khu²-laq in ‘finite’ forms kham² ka² khu²-laq kham ka khulaq ‘draw the water’ nst-kim_20130302_07_SM_T_Yanger_Hortative_Duration 4’28”, About the ngix chongx pha yof ‘let me say it’ dung siq pha yof ‘let me eat rice’ dung siq rong if ‘let us eat rice’ dung siq if ‘let (two of us) eat rice) kiim riiphea rong if ‘let us depart’ (said to a person remaining) (kiim ‘step’) wa phai she yof ‘allow us to go’ the form phai was described as ‘an auxiliary verb related with the going’ It is probably a combination of pha and hortative i. nst-kim_20130303_01_SM_T_Yanger_VerbAlternation_Duration 0’59”, Further discussion of the alternative verb forms. All three prefixes, a-, rii- and tii- all cause the high tone alternative in verbs like nyang ‘drink’ nst-kim_20130303_02_SM_T_Yanger_VerbAlternation_Duration 1’25”, Forms of the verb bom ‘speak’, with all possible prefixes, a-, rii- and tii-, alone and in combination nst-kim_20130303_03_SM_T_Yanger_VerbAlternation_Duration 1’55”, Further discussion of the forms of the verb bom with all possible prefixes, a-, rii- and tii-, alone and in combination nst-kim_20130303_04_SM_T_Yanger_VerbAlternation_Duration 0’38”, Further discussion of the forms of the verb bom with all possible prefixes, a-, rii- and tii-, alone and in combination nst-kim_20130303_05_SM_T_Yanger_VerbAlternation_Duration 1’24”, Further discussion of reciprocals with relation to the verb forms nst-kim_20130303_06_SM_T_Yanger_ToneContrast_Duration 0’37”, Tones on the word haihii-tlaq ‘torturing’ nst-kim_20130303_07_SM_T_Yanger_AgentiveNominalisations_Duration 5’43”, About agentive nominalisations. These also occur with the nominal form of the verb, so a ‘giver’ is aketi, not akuqti nst-kim_20130303_08_SM_T_Yanger_PossesivePrefixes_Duration 1’04”, About the prefixation of nouns by possessives. These do not appear to alter tones in the way that verb prefixes d nst-kim_20130304_01_SM_T_Yanger_Grammar_Duration 0’47”, A discussion about the sentence naxshiq raq mak ma chhi thüf i, which could also be expressed with thüf kaif. nst-kim_20130304_02_SM_T_Yanger_SimultaneousConstruction_Duration 4’55”, The construction phong wiiphong maq ‘goes on coiling’, which is found in the text nst-kim_20121015_01_NS_Q3_Jonglem_AboutCane at about 2’30” Other examples of this construction were discussed, some have the form bom shiibom maq, ‘while talking’ ara bom shiibom lam maq phijaq ka nyang if ‘while talking let’s have tea.’ nyang shiinyang lam maq ‘while drinking’ Two alternatives were offered nyang lam maq or nyang shiinyang lam maq nga shiinga lam maq ‘while sitting’ khum shiikhum lam maq ‘while walking’ It is not possible to say *phong shiiphong lam maq. lii shiilii lam maq and lii wiilii lam maq were both accepted as alternatives for ‘while looking’ dung sea lam maq ‘while eating’ A different construction was also recorded: chhi shat shat maq ‘while you were watching’ nst-kim_20130304_03_SM_T_Yanger_SimultaneousConstruction_Duration 0’12”, Continuation of previous discussion nst-kim_20130304_04_SM_T_Yanger_Grammar_Duration 1’00”, From the Lamsham migration story, tiisinga ‘let them stay and sit’ nst-kim_20130304_05_SM_T_Yanger_Causatives_Duration 4’14”, About the shii- form of the causative, illustrated in nst-kim_20120903_01_NS_Q3_Lamchom_Migrationstory around 0’35” with the word shiitsom ‘to make it beautiful’ nst-kim_20130304_06_SM_T_Yanger_NegativeCopula_Duration 1’19”, Tones on the word ahüx ‘not have’ and some minimal pairs with it, ahii and ahü nst-kim_20130304_07_SM_T_Yanger_NegativeCopula_Duration 0’44”,Continuation of the minimal pairs on ahü – ahüx ‘not have’ and ahüf ‘fall’ as a tree’ pe hüf ahüx ‘there is no fallen tree’ nst-kim_20130304_08_SM_T_Yanger_Prohibitives_Duration 0’53”, Prohibitives. The finite or verbal form of the verb is used here naq kuq kix ‘don’t give’ nst-kim_20130304_09_SM_T_Yanger_NonAgentiveParticles_Duration 1’29”, Testing whether there is any hierarchical marking of verbs in imperatives. There is none. This recording exemplifies maf ‘for’ used with beneficiaries, but not with animate patients kuku raq ngix kaq-tof ‘the dog bit me’ In this case maf is not used nst-kim_20130304_10_SM_T_Yanger_NonAgentiveParticles_Duration 5’54”, Further discussion of the beneficiary marker maf and the instrumental maq. The latter is used mostly with objects and can be translated as ‘by’, ‘with’, ‘from’. liq maq hiip-laq ‘shoot him with an arrow’ chhingi ka liq maq hiip-laq ‘shoot a deer with a bow’ no maf jin maq liq haif-kuq-laq ‘make a bow from iron for the boy.’ nst-kim_20130304_11_SM_T_Yanger_TagQuestions_Duration 1’57”, Tag questions. These can be expressed by nyaf or riimak shaf. nst-kim_20130304_12_SM_T_Yanger_MiddleVoice_Duration 2’23”, Discussion of the middle voice nst-kim_20130304_13_SM_T_Yanger_MiddleVoice_Duration 8’01”, Discussion of the middle voice nst-kim_20130304_14_SM_T_Yanger_Adjectives_Duration 11’04”, Adjectives no ka ajong wiq ‘the big boy’ no ajong wiq we ti ka kiijaq ngatlof ‘the big boy is sitting there’ ti ‘the’ jam nye ‘new house’ jam ka nye ‘the house is new’ wiq comes in comparative: jam anye ti kra comparative ti atsom wiq jam ‘a beautiful house’ no ajong wiq ti we kra ‘the big boy’ no ka jechakse nam ma ajong ‘the girl is bigger than the boy’ thaq na can be used in place of nam ma. jam alüx ‘white house’ jam waix ‘green house’ pe atsim phan ‘the hard wood’ (literally wood hard type) nst-kim_20130304_15_SM_T_Yanger_Adjectives_Duration 2’31”, Adjective modifiers nst-kim_20130305_01_SM_T_Yanger_Months_Duration 2’49”, About the original months of the Tangsa and the way of counting the days within the months. There were three sections (‘weeks’) of 10 days each, termed ji hax, jikhamf and jima. These are counted from 1 to 10 as follows jihax ranaiqshix jihax ranaiqnaif jihax ranaiqtsam jihax rabiilai up to jihax ngi then jikhamf ranaiqshix &c. | |
Format: | audio/x-wav | |
Identifier (URI): | https://hdl.handle.net/1839/f9d8340c-2053-4cdf-badb-ce4ad64c2b0a | |
Is Part Of: | DoBeS archive : Tangsa, Tai, Singpho in North East India | |
Language: | English | |
Tase Naga; Tangsa - Chamchang variety (general name Kimsing) | ||
Language (ISO639): | eng | |
nst | ||
Publisher: | The Language Archive, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics | |
Subject: | English language | |
Tase Naga language | ||
Tangsa - Chamchang variety (general name Kimsing) | ||
Subject (ISO639): | eng | |
nst | ||
Type (DCMI): | Sound | |
OLAC Info |
Archive: | The Language Archive | |
Description: | http://www.language-archives.org/archive/www.mpi.nl | |
GetRecord: | OAI-PMH request for OLAC format | |
GetRecord: | Pre-generated XML file | |
OAI Info |
OaiIdentifier: | oai:www.mpi.nl:tla_1839_f9d8340c_2053_4cdf_badb_ce4ad64c2b0a | |
DateStamp: | 2022-09-12 | |
GetRecord: | OAI-PMH request for simple DC format | |
Search Info | ||
Citation: | Longkhap Yanger Thungwa (consultant); Stephen Morey (compiler). 2013-03-02. DoBeS archive : Tangsa, Tai, Singpho in North East India. | |
Terms: | area_Asia area_Europe country_GB country_MM dcmi_Sound iso639_eng iso639_nst | |
Inferred Metadata | ||
Country: | United KingdomMyanmar | |
Area: | AsiaEurope |