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OLAC Record oai:www.mpi.nl:tla_1839_e53b3234_d9b7_43e1_b6f7_7d7276a20ff2 |
Metadata | ||
Title: | Yanger Thungwa – Grammatical Recordings 2 | |
Contributor (compiler): | Stephen Morey | |
Contributor (consultant): | Longkhap Yanger Thungwa | |
Coverage: | India | |
Shillong, Nagaland House | ||
Date Created: | 2012-03-06 | |
Description: | Nineteen recordings in which Longkhap Yanger Thungwa gives elaborate descriptions of different aspects of Chamchang Grammar. These consist of the following sound files:
The details of these recordings are as follows:
nst-kim_20120306_01_SM_H4n_Yanger_ümnok.wav; Duration 1’29”; About the word ümnok ‘other’
e ino lei, ümnii-raq chong tiilaü kra,
‘oh my younger brother, that which you are saying,’
nashih wiik asi ngu tiilaü kra
‘you said that we have a farm there’
nashih wiik ngu tii chong tiilaü kra riikhaq li
‘what you have said that we have a farm is correct.’
riishatmaq ümnok raq ümnok alam ho wi-shea
‘but as for that one, someone has taken it’
The second ümnok should be deleted
alamM ‘take away’ hoH auxilary verb; wi-shea passive past tense
‘it is no more’
tanM tiila ümphaüHtiq ümnok raq
‘others are planning to take it away’
ümphaütiq is a spoken version of nguphaütiq. The form phaü is used because we were planning to take action, but somebody has already taken action.
tan ‘plot, plan’
nst-kim_20120306_02_SM_H4n_Yanger_AffirmativeMarker.wav; Duration 0’47”; About the affirmative marker nya
nst-kim_20120306_03_SM_H4n_Yanger_AffirmativeMarker.wav; Duration 0’40”; About the affirmative marker, nya (which was not exemplified)
ümnii-raq ara makkiip ka riM laü
you bought these spectacles, (didn’t you)
riishat maq ara makiip ariika ngam hiip miika taiH mak
‘but this spectacle is not fit for hunting’
taiH ‘successful, fit’, minimal pair with taiM ‘hear’
wak sham miika ahea
‘it is good for farming;’
nst-kim_20120306_04_SM_H4n_Yanger_ToneDistinctions.wav; Duration 0’54”; Disticntion between peMtsiM and peLtsiL, both words for types of fruits mentioned in SDM13-20111101-04_SM_JVC_Kamshey_BirdStory. The second element of each word is the same morpheme, but the tone appears to be different
nst-kim_20120306_05_SM_H4n_Yanger_Continuous.wav; Duration 1’20”; About past and present/continuous markers. The latter are disyllabic with tv-
kang ‘PST.1SG’
tvkang ‘CONT.1SG’
nst-kim_20120306_06_SM_H4n_Yanger_Eating.wav; Duration 1’14; Words for eating, distinction of siq and sea.
nst-kim_20120307_01_SM_H4n_Yanger_Consonants.wav; Duration 1’31”; distinction between /s/ and /ʃ/, with example words
nst-kim_20120307_02_SM_H4n_Yanger_Consonants.wav; Duration 2’24”; distinction between /ts/ and /tc/ ( | |
Format: | audio/x-wav | |
Identifier (URI): | https://hdl.handle.net/1839/e53b3234-d9b7-43e1-b6f7-7d7276a20ff2 | |
Is Part Of: | DoBeS archive : Tangsa, Tai, Singpho in North East India | |
Language: | English | |
Tase Naga; Tangsa - Chamchang variety (general name Kimsing) | ||
Language (ISO639): | eng | |
nst | ||
Publisher: | The Language Archive, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics | |
Subject: | English language | |
Tase Naga language | ||
Tangsa - Chamchang variety (general name Kimsing) | ||
Subject (ISO639): | eng | |
nst | ||
Type (DCMI): | Sound | |
OLAC Info |
Archive: | The Language Archive | |
Description: | http://www.language-archives.org/archive/www.mpi.nl | |
GetRecord: | OAI-PMH request for OLAC format | |
GetRecord: | Pre-generated XML file | |
OAI Info |
OaiIdentifier: | oai:www.mpi.nl:tla_1839_e53b3234_d9b7_43e1_b6f7_7d7276a20ff2 | |
DateStamp: | 2022-09-12 | |
GetRecord: | OAI-PMH request for simple DC format | |
Search Info | ||
Citation: | Longkhap Yanger Thungwa (consultant); Stephen Morey (compiler). 2012-03-06. DoBeS archive : Tangsa, Tai, Singpho in North East India. | |
Terms: | area_Asia area_Europe country_GB country_MM dcmi_Sound iso639_eng iso639_nst | |
Inferred Metadata | ||
Country: | United KingdomMyanmar | |
Area: | AsiaEurope |