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OLAC Record oai:www.mpi.nl:tla_1839_410b1508_6a81_4e17_92af_1b1a957534ba |
Metadata | ||
Title: | Yanger Thungwa – Grammatical Recordings 3 | |
Contributor (compiler): | Stephen Morey | |
Contributor (consultant): | Longkhap Yanger Thungwa | |
Coverage: | India | |
Shillong | ||
Date Created: | 2012-10-16 | |
Description: | Thirty recordings in which Rev. Yanger Thungwa discusses about some grammatical aspects and explains them with examples. These consist of one video and twenty nine sound files:
The details of these recordings are as follows:
nst-kim_20121016_01_SM_JVC_Yanger_Grammatical.mp4; Duration 2’00”; A discussion of the words üm wan shaq ‘not yet brought’, which is found in line 23 of the the Lullaby recorded as SDM13-20111101-03_SM_JVC_Kamshey_Lullaby.
The form üm [m²] is a variant of the future mi².
anyung raq khea tong üm wan shaq li
‘his mother has not yet brought the shirt’
naishiq raq dung mi siq shaq li
‘we are yet to eat.’
nst-kim_20121014_01_SM_T_Yanger_Grammatical.wav; Duration 1’43”; Some sentences involving the particle -ke.
The following sentences
Tiitangke changx ‘to let (someone) win’
Tiitangkuqlaq ‘you (should) let him win.’
Tiitafke changx ‘to let it be killed, sacrificed’
Tiitongkuqlaq ‘let it be caught’
nst-kim_20121014_02_SM_T_Yanger_Grammatical.wav; Duration 1’00”; Discussion of the form miika, found in SDM13-20111011-01_SM_T_Yanger_BibleTranslation_Judges7 line (3)
nst-kim_20121014_03_SM_T_Yanger_Grammatical.wav; Duration 0’48”; Further discussion of the word miika. Rev. Yanger gave an example sentence: apaiq ma chongke miika hawiq ‘it will be difficult to explain it to him’ (because it will be difficult for him to understand.
It appears that mii derives from ma which is a marker of the recipient in ‘give’ constructions and is probably related to the instrumental marker maq.
nst-kim_20121014_04_SM_T_Yanger_Grammatical.wav; Duration 2’50”; Discussion of the difference between ma³, which is used to mark the recipient
apaiq ma³ kuqlaq ‘give it him’
distinguished from
ja²-maq se³-laq ‘cut with a knife’
ma is not used for animate patients, as in the example below.
phenlawe raq kriiwe ka ja maq se-to
‘the soldier cutt the man with a knife’
nst-kim_20121014_05_SM_T_Yanger_Grammatical.wav; Duration 0’22”; Discussion of the word li ‘only’
kolom ka apaiq mah li kuq-laq, ngi ma naq kuq ki
‘give the pen to him not to me’
nst-kim_20121014_06_SM_T_Yanger_Grammatical.wav; Duration 0’22”; The word tiq ‘only’
anap tiq shillong mi-wa-i
‘we will go only tomorrow to Shillong (not today)
nst-kim_20121014_07_SM_T_Yanger_Grammatical.wav; Duration 2’05”; The words kra san ha which occur in a shorter form, kiisan ha in the text SDM13-20111101-05_SM_JVC_Kamshey_BirdAndSnakeStory line (4)
This form is used when something happens contrary to expectation. The example was given ‘I told you to go and buy a cock, but your bought a duck’. After this you would say
kra san ha jamlai ka sham mirii-i
‘and now what shall we do?’
nst-kim_20121014_08_SM_T_Yanger_Grammatical.wav; Duration 1’07”; Examples with the word hide
paü-laq ‘hide it’
naq paü ki ‘don’t hide’
atiipaü chang ‘to remain hidden’
It may be that the tii- form is used only with non-finite examples of the verb paü
nst-kim_20121014_09_SM_T_Yanger_Grammatical.wav; Duration 3’06”; Discussion of the two forms of the verb ‘eat’ – siq and sea [sɛə²]. The first is used with the finite agreement markers, and the second is used with invariant forms.
nst-kim_20121014_10_SM_T_Yanger_Grammatical.wav; Duration 1’08”; Use of the invariant marker rea ‘continuous’
apaiq ka dung sea-rea ‘he is eating rice’
ngi ka dung sea-rea ‘I am eating rice’
nst-kim_20121014_11_SM_T_Yanger_Grammatical.wav; Duration 1’20”; Forms of the verb ‘to say’. It is possible that the form nga, found in SDM13-20111101-05_SM_JVC_Kamshey_BirdAndSnakeStory line (7) is the non-finite form of the verb ngu ‘say’
nst-kim_20121014_12_SM_T_Yanger_Grammatical.wav; Duration 2’40”; The non-finite form of the verb ‘go’, which is kai², exemplified as
SDM13-20111101-05_SM_JVC_Kamshey_BirdAndSnakeStory line (10).
Mr Yanger gave examples of both finite and infinite forms of the verbː
apaih raq shai-ki-kang ‘I called him’
apaih ka kai-rea ‘he is going / was going’
ki is not used with rea
*tsang-shih ka ki-rea
nst-kim_20121014_13_SM_T_Yanger_Grammatical.wav; Duration 2’14”; Discussion of the form rat found in SDM13-20111101-05_SM_JVC_Kamshey_BirdAndSnakeStory line (18).
nst-kim_20121014_14_SM_T_Yanger_Grammatical.wav; Duration 0’28”; Further examples of the use of rat.
jokwi rah tsam phaqrat ho-to
‘the monkeys are eating the rice’
nst-kim_20121015_18_SM_T_Yanger_Grammatical.wav; Duration 1’14”; About the difference between -taq and –to, both of which are 3rd person past endings.
nst-kim_20121015_19_SM_T_Yanger_Grammatical.wav; Duration 1’15”; About the difference between the future mi-kuq-kang and mi-kuq-ha ‘I will give’, According to Rev. Yanger, the former would be used when teling to the person who is receiving the gift, as
kolom mi-kuq-kang ‘I will give a pen to you’
But if the gift is to another person, mi-kuq-ha would be used.
nst-kim_20121015_20_SM_T_Yanger_Grammatical.wav; Duration 2’06”; About the marker tsi found in he Tiger and Crab story (SDM13-20111012-04_SM_T_Yanger_TigerCrabStory1), line 15, about the form tsi, which is some kind of perfective. He gave the example
athan kiq tsi miishe ‘in anger of, out of anger’
nst-kim_20121015_21_SM_T_Yanger_Grammatical.wav; Duration 0’58”; About the marker la found in he Tiger and Crab story (SDM13-20111012-04_SM_T_Yanger_TigerCrabStory1), line 17, which is a mark of continuous tense while simultaneous action is going on
nst-kim_20121016_01_SM_T_Yanger_Grammatical.wav; Duration 0’39”; Discussion of the form haü ‘if’, with the sentence example
miiniiraq dung siq haü la wak ngam kri phaq liijo
‘when you are eating rice, take the pork also’
nst-kim_20121016_02_SM_T_Yanger_Grammatical.wav; Duration 0’29”; Tonal minimal pairs
akhü¹ ‘his nose’
akhü² ‘his bark /skin’
akhü³ ‘his footprint’
nst-kim_20121016_03_SM_T_Yanger_Grammatical.wav; Duration 3’35”; Discussion of a possible vowel variant, which Rev. Yanger is having some trouble with
koti ‘brass bowl’
to-laq ‘put on the table’
He feels that these words might have a diphthong, and wants to write them as | |
Format: | video/mp4 | |
audio/x-wav | ||
Identifier (URI): | https://hdl.handle.net/1839/410b1508-6a81-4e17-92af-1b1a957534ba | |
Is Part Of: | DoBeS archive : Tangsa, Tai, Singpho in North East India | |
Language: | Tase Naga; Tangsa - Chamchang variety (general name Kimsing) | |
English | ||
Language (ISO639): | nst | |
eng | ||
Publisher: | The Language Archive, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics | |
Subject: | Tase Naga language | |
Tangsa - Chamchang variety (general name Kimsing) | ||
English language | ||
Subject (ISO639): | nst | |
eng | ||
Type (DCMI): | MovingImage | |
Sound | ||
OLAC Info |
Archive: | The Language Archive | |
Description: | http://www.language-archives.org/archive/www.mpi.nl | |
GetRecord: | OAI-PMH request for OLAC format | |
GetRecord: | Pre-generated XML file | |
OAI Info |
OaiIdentifier: | oai:www.mpi.nl:tla_1839_410b1508_6a81_4e17_92af_1b1a957534ba | |
DateStamp: | 2022-09-12 | |
GetRecord: | OAI-PMH request for simple DC format | |
Search Info | ||
Citation: | Longkhap Yanger Thungwa (consultant); Stephen Morey (compiler). 2012-10-16. DoBeS archive : Tangsa, Tai, Singpho in North East India. | |
Terms: | area_Asia area_Europe country_GB country_MM dcmi_MovingImage dcmi_Sound iso639_eng iso639_nst | |
Inferred Metadata | ||
Country: | United KingdomMyanmar | |
Area: | AsiaEurope |