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OLAC Record oai:soas.ac.uk:MPI1252251 |
Metadata | ||
Title: | What birds do // Что делают птицы | |
APN_birds | ||
Documentation of Negidal, a nearly extinct Northern Tungusic language of the Lower Amur | ||
Contributor: | E. Kalinina | |
N. Sumbatova | ||
Contributor (annotator): | B. Pakendorf | |
N. Aralova | ||
Contributor (depositor): | B. Pakendorf | |
Contributor (speaker): | A.P. Nadeina | |
Contributor (translator): | A.V. Kazarova | |
G.I. Kandakova | ||
Coverage: | Russia | |
Date: | 2006-08-23 | |
Description: | In this recording, Anna Nadeina is asked by her daughter Galina Kandakova to remember humorous descriptions of the activities of different birds which are largely based on alliteration. At the end, Galina Kandakova asks her to re-tell the tale of the crow who lost his human wife (see Sessions “The crow who lost his wife / ID = DIN_crow” and “The crow who lost his wife-2 / ID = APN_gaki”). The recording was made in 2006 by Elena Kalinina and Nina Sumbatova, and comprised both this section with the activities of birds and the tale about the crow. In February 2018, Brigitte Pakendorf cut this part out of the original sound file and transcribed and glossed it, checking the transcription and glosses with both Antonina Kazarova and then Galina Kandakova, who also provided the translation. In July 2018, Natalia Aralova checked some additional questions with Antonina Kazarova and Galina Kandakova. // Запись сделана в 2006-м году Еленой Калининой и Ниной Сумбатовой. Анна Порфирьевна Надеина, отвечая на вопросы своей дочери Галины Кандаковой, вспоминает разные забавные описания действий птиц, основанные на аллитерации. Исходная запись включает помимо этой части ещё сказку про ворона, который потерял свою жену (см. «Как ворон потерял жену / ID = DIN_crow» и «Как ворон потерял жену-2 / ID = APN_gaki»), но мы вырезали эту начальную часть, чтобы заархивировать её отдельно. | |
This project focuses on the documentation of Negidal, a highly moribund Northern Tungusic language spoken by at most a handful of individuals on the Amgun’ and Lower Amur rivers in the Russian Federation. The language comprises two dialects, Upper and Lower Negidal, of which the latter might already be extinct. The project will result primarily in an extensive corpus of interlinearized texts from the Upper dialect together with accompanying audio recordings. | ||
Anna P. Nadeina was born in October 1916. Her father was a Negidal, her mother, who died when she was six, a Nanai. She has only minimal education ("likbez", literacy school), and worked in the village bakery, as a cleaner in the school, and in the kindergarten laundry.She is the mother of Daria and Tamara Nadeina, Galina Kandakova, and Ljubov' Oxlopkova. | ||
Linguist involved in data collection 2005-2010. | ||
Linguist working on previously collected data. | ||
AVK worked as a kindergarten and primary school teacher, and since ~1985 as a teacher of Negidal for children for whom this is L2. | ||
Worked as a librarian and in the village "club" (the venue for all cultural activities). | ||
Format: | audio/x-wav | |
text/x-eaf+xml | ||
application/pdf | ||
Identifier: | oai:soas.ac.uk:MPI1252251 | |
MDP0346 | ||
Identifier (URI): | https://lat1.lis.soas.ac.uk/ds/asv?openpath=MPI1252251%23 | |
Publisher: | Brigitte Pakendorf | |
DDL, CNRS & Université Lyon 2 | ||
Subject: | Folklore | |
Negidal language | ||
Russian language | ||
English language | ||
Subject (ISO639): | neg | |
rus | ||
eng | ||
Type: | Audio | |
OLAC Info |
Archive: | Endangered Languages Archive | |
Description: | http://www.language-archives.org/archive/soas.ac.uk | |
GetRecord: | OAI-PMH request for OLAC format | |
GetRecord: | Pre-generated XML file | |
OAI Info |
OaiIdentifier: | oai:soas.ac.uk:MPI1252251 | |
DateStamp: | 2018-11-12 | |
GetRecord: | OAI-PMH request for simple DC format | |
Search Info | ||
Citation: | A.P. Nadeina (speaker); E. Kalinina; N. Sumbatova; B. Pakendorf (annotator); A.V. Kazarova (translator); G.I. Kandakova (translator); N. Aralova (annotator); B. Pakendorf (depositor). 2006-08-23. Brigitte Pakendorf. | |
Terms: | area_Europe country_GB country_RU iso639_eng iso639_neg iso639_rus | |
Inferred Metadata | ||
Country: | United KingdomRussian Federation | |
Area: | Europe |