OLAC Record

Title:Eleventh session of wordlist elicitation in Kelleng
A Documentation of Bati Language and Oral Traditions
Contributor (consultant):MBESSI MAKONDO
Description:The eleventh session takes over session ten.
The project to Document aspects of Bati language and oral traditions is an original idea of Dr Emmanuel-Moselly Makasso, who had initially surveyed the Bati speech area as part of a pilot research project granted by the Ministry of Scientific Research and Technological Innovation of the Republic of Cameroon. Based on the results of this pilot research which have revealed a situation of critical endangerment of Bati language and ancestral practices, the idea to submit a major documentation project to ELDP has matured. The project has eventually been submitted during the 2015 funding round with Dr Emmanuel Ngué Um as Principal Investigator, and Dr Emmanuel-Moselly Makasso as co-applicant. The project started in October 1st, 2015, and will run till the 30th of September in 2018.
The session starts with formal introduction of reseaserchers and consultants. Oral consent is then requested from the consultants, which agree to be recorded. They also agree on the recordings to be further archived and accessible to users throughout the world.
Two languages are used in the course of elicitation. Bati (Kelleng variety) is the target language. We may also refer to it as the vernacular. French is the source language; it is the language in which entries are listed in the questionnaire. French is also the only medium of interaction between researchers and consulants. In the course of elicitation, consultants involed in the question and answer interaction sometimes consult with each other in Bati.
Gwladys Makon is a team research member for the Bati projet. She is enrolled in the PHD programme at the Department of African Languages and Linguistics. Makon is a PHD fellow for the Bati projet, and she is mainly concerned with providing a comprehensive grammatical description of Bati language, all three dialects inclusive. During her undergraduate study at the Department of African Languages and Linguistics at the University of Yaoundé I, Gwladys Makon has red, among others, the followingn subjets: Introduction to general linguistics, phonetics, phonology (with special emphasis on Bantu languages), introduction to sociolinguistics, language teaching, language planning, etc.
Mbessi Makondo Gilbert as acted as one of the key informants for the research team during the first year of the project. Due to his extensive multilingualism coupled with a high sense of public network and relations, he has assisted the research team in most of their whereabouts throughout the various consultants who have agreed to lend themselves to research exercises. In some cases, Mbessi Gilbert has acted as the interviewer. This approach has been privileged in surveys dealing with anthropological, cultural and religous aspects. He had been trained by the research team in the monitoring of interviews, and in questionnaire administration, and has proven to be a talented and committed research assistant.
Identifier (URI):https://lat1.lis.soas.ac.uk/ds/asv?openpath=MPI1101971%23
Publisher:Ngué Um Emmanuel
International Center for Research and Documentation on African Traditions and Languages (CERDOTOLA)


Archive:  Endangered Languages Archive
Description:  http://www.language-archives.org/archive/soas.ac.uk
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OAI Info

OaiIdentifier:  oai:soas.ac.uk:MPI1101971
DateStamp:  2019-03-31
GetRecord:  OAI-PMH request for simple DC format

Search Info

Citation: MAKON; MBESSI MAKONDO (consultant). 2017-06-14. Ngué Um Emmanuel.

Up-to-date as of: Mon Oct 18 18:40:18 EDT 2021