OLAC Record

Title:Difficult purchase // Странный товар
Documentation of Negidal, a nearly extinct Northern Tungusic language of the Lower Amur
Contributor:E. Kalinina
S. Toldova
N. Sumbatova
V. Gusev
Contributor (annotator):N. Sumbatova
B. Pakendorf
Contributor (speaker):D.I. Nadeina
Contributor (translator):D.I. Nadeina
G.I. Kandakova
Description:This narrative was recorded by the team of E. Kalinina (E. Kalinina, V. Gusev, N. Sumbatova and S. Toldova) from Daria Nadeina in 2005. A first transcription and Russian translation were made by N. Sumbatova with the help of G.I. Kandakova. In 2017, Brigitte Pakendorf time-aligned the transcription, glossed the text and checked the questions with D. Nadeina. Note that this recording – albeit without transcription or translation – was also archived by the team of Kalinina et al in their deposit " Documentation of endangered Tungusic languages of Khabarovskij Kraj" under the title "negidal_DN_anecdote2". This is an anecdote about three girls in the village store. They were asking the seller for some strange things (sleeve, shoe laces, Siberian jay) which he did not have. After a while a woman came to buy vinegar. It turns out that the woman sent those girls [and they just confused the words]. // Этот текст был записан Е.Ю. Калининой, Н.Р. Сумбатовой, В.Ю. Гусевым и С.Ю. Толдовой в 2005 году. Это короткая история о том, как три девочки пришли в магазин и по очереди спросили продавца о странных товарах (рукав, шнурок, кукша). Через какое-то время в этот магазин пришла женщина и спросила уксус. Оказалось, что это она послала этих девочек [а они перепутали слова].
This project focuses on the documentation of Negidal, a highly moribund Northern Tungusic language spoken by at most a handful of individuals on the Amgun' and Lower Amur rivers in the Russian Federation. The language comprises two dialects, Upper and Lower Negidal, of which the latter might already be extinct. The project will result primarily in an extensive corpus of interlinearized texts from the Upper dialect together with accompanying audio recordings.
Worked in the kindergarten as teacher and director, worked as a schoolteacher, in a shop, and also in the village administration. Is very active in maintaining Negidal culture and the language.
Worked as a librarian and in the village "club" (the venue for all cultural activities)
Identifier (URI):https://lat1.lis.soas.ac.uk/ds/asv?openpath=MPI1084927%23
Publisher:Brigitte Pakendorf
Dynamique du Langage, CNRS & Université Lyon 2
English language
Negidal language
Russian language
Subject (ISO639):eng


Archive:  Endangered Languages Archive
Description:  http://www.language-archives.org/archive/soas.ac.uk
GetRecord:  OAI-PMH request for OLAC format
GetRecord:  Pre-generated XML file

OAI Info

OaiIdentifier:  oai:soas.ac.uk:MPI1084927
DateStamp:  2018-03-19
GetRecord:  OAI-PMH request for simple DC format

Search Info

Citation: D.I. Nadeina (speaker); N. Sumbatova (annotator); E. Kalinina; S. Toldova; N. Sumbatova; V. Gusev; B. Pakendorf (annotator); D.I. Nadeina (translator); G.I. Kandakova (translator). n.d. Brigitte Pakendorf.
Terms: area_Europe country_GB country_RU iso639_eng iso639_neg iso639_rus

Inferred Metadata

Country: United KingdomRussian Federation
Area: Europe

Up-to-date as of: Mon Oct 18 17:25:30 EDT 2021