Files -01 and -02 is Simon Kaiya watching Kakuyl's kera walyipe story (either 20181115_01-04 or 2015 version) and narrating it (previously 20181118_Sony_014 and _015). File -03 may be an audio-only version of -01/-02 (previously 20181118_Zoom_018). File -04 is a discussion of the magic in the story (previously 20181118_Zoom_019). File -05 is a discussion about sign normativity (20181118_Zoom_020). Files -06 to -08 is Simon retelling the story in sign (previously 20181120_Sony_019 to _021). Files -09 and onwards is glossing Simon's signed version (previously 20181120_Sony_025 to _029).. Language as given: Western Highlands sign languages
Lauren Reed (compiler); Lauren Reed (researcher); John Onga (participant); Kakuyl Kulup (participant); Simon Kaiya (participant). 2018. Pacific And Regional Archive for Digital Sources in Endangered Cultures (PARADISEC).