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OLAC Record oai:paradisec.org.au:KK2-0008 |
Metadata | ||
Title: | Jiwoi jiwa nat (Ancestral spirits) with English translation | |
Access Rights: | Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions) | |
Bibliographic Citation: | Keita Kurabe (collector), Keita Kurabe (depositor), Magawng Gam (speaker), 2020. Jiwoi jiwa nat (Ancestral spirits) with English translation. X-WAV/MPEG/XML. KK2-0008 at catalog.paradisec.org.au. https://dx.doi.org/10.26278/5fa2c5855e9f0 | |
Contributor (compiler): | Keita Kurabe | |
Contributor (depositor): | Keita Kurabe | |
Contributor (speaker): | Magawng Gam | |
Coverage (Box): | northlimit=27.331; southlimit=23.137; westlimit=95.335; eastlimit=98.498 | |
Coverage (ISO3166): | MM | |
Date (W3CDTF): | 2020-01-06 | |
Date Created (W3CDTF): | 2020-01-06 | |
Description: | Translation (Rita Seng Mai) The guardian Nats are the spirits called Gum Gun Nat which we talked about yesterday. Gum Gun Nat. Not all our elders become guardian Nats. When one of our elders died in a violent death, he or she couldn't enter the afterlife. Although they lost their bodies, their souls were just wandering on the earth. They become Nats. They ask for food from the people who are alive. Not all our elders can become guardian Nat for us. We talked about it yesterday. If one of our elders died just because he or she was old, he or she will not become Nat spirit. They only go to another existence after death. They don't have any attachment to people. So, they don't become Nat too. Those Nats (our guardian Nats) are the spirits called Gum Gun Nats that we have talked about yesterday. They are also Gum Gun Nats. Shawa Nat (the nat spirit which all people can worship) is not our guardian Nat. All Kachin people can worship and give offerings. They exist and stay by themselves. Shawa Nat is for all people. Shawa Nats are higher deities and Ga Nat (a spirit which takes care of soil), etc. There is no other Gum Gun Nat. Yes. But I don't know what you want to say, Sara? You said you wanted to know how to differentiate. Jiwoi Jiwa means our elders from the past, don't they? It has only that meaning. But, there are some Nats, which do not exist in the past, exist now. Some of our elders died since a long time ago. There are some Nats which have come out after they died. But they are Nat Gun (guardian Nat of a family). If one of the elders from Maran clan passed away and he or she become Nat spirit, then that Nat is the guardian only for Maran clan. That Nat has no relation with Lahtaw clan or Lahpai clan. That Nat is only for Maran clan. Sometimes, when the girl from Maran clan gets married, the Nat spirit follows her. And that Nat spirit stays at the house of the Maran girl's husband and ask for food from them. The Nat spirit lives there. It's like that, but not all. Gum Gun Nats are also the same like humans. They are really strong and ask for food from humans. There are some people who ask for food when they are alive too. Nat spirits are also the same like humans. There are some who even ask food from their relatives, grandchildren and sons-in-law too. They are Gum Gun Nats. They are Gum Gun Nats. They are not Shawa Nats. (Shawa Nats are for all people.) Shawa Nats are Mu Nat (a deity of thunder), Sawn Nat (an evil spirit which bewitches people) and Madai Nat (a deity of properties), etc. You can give offerings to those Shawa Nats at home by yourself. You can also take Madai Nat and give offerings to it when you want to celebrate Manaw festival. Everyone can give offerings to Shawa Nats as they like. But you cannot take and give offerings to Nat Gun as you like. We can't give offerings to guardian Nats of Maran as we want. That Nat Gun also doesn't ask for food. It's just like that. Transcription (Ja Seng Roi) Ndai jiwoi jiwa nat ngu ai gaw, mani an tsun ai gumgun nat re yaw. Gumgun nat. Jiwoi jiwa ni moi na lai wa sai a ten e si ai jiwoi jiwa ni yawng nat byin ai n re. Dai mani tsun ai jiwoi jiwa ni kaw na langai ngai sawa si ai le, dai ni wo ra du na ra ai prat de shan hte n du ai. N dai hkum hkrang sha mat ai. Shan hte myit ni mungkan ga kaw gayin taw nga. Dai ni nat byin ai. Nang de ngam nga ai ni gaw hpyi sha ai. Dai jiwoi jiwa nat ngu ai gaw dai. Moi na an hte jiwoi ni langai ngai yawng gaw nat n byin ai. Mani an tsun ai, n dai tsu si ai ngu ai, e shi chyu machyi na asak kaba n si ai ni gaw nat ma n byin sai. Htaw....shanhte na gaw kaga de, Myen hku gaw 'Ba wa ' ngu ai le. Dai de wa mat sai.Nang de n yu sai. Dai majaw nat ma n byin ai. E' dai jiwoi jiwa nat ngu ai gaw, mani an tsun ai gumgun nat ngu ai sha re. Gumgun nat sha re. E dai shawa nat ngu ai gaw jiwoi jiwa ma n re yawng Jinghpaw masha ni masha ni yawng e jaw ai htaw shi chyu shi nga nga ai. Shawa nat ngu yawng a nat. N dai ni gaw mani tsun ai n tsa nat ga nat dai sha re. Kaga mi jiwoi jiwa nat ngu kaga n nga sai. Umm Raiting Sara nang ging hka chye mayu hpa hpe ngu mayu ai kun gaw n chye le. Jiwoi jiwa nga ai gaw moi na an hteng a kaji kawoi ni dai ni hpe tsun ai n re i? Dai langai sha re. Raiting langai nga ai gaw shan hte prat hta n nga ai nat ni ya nga wa ai nga ai. Shan hte gaw si ai grai na sai le i. Dai hpang e paw pru ai nat ni nga ai. Raiting chye nga ai nat gun rai nga. Gai taw, Maran wa kaw e Maran ni nat langai mi shan hte kaji kawa na nat byin jang, wo Lahtaw ni, Lahpai ni hte n seng ai. Shi Maran ni na sha re. Kalang lang gaw Maran shayi langai mi wo num wa wa jang dai de hkan nang ai ni nga. Dai Dauma ni num la ai ai kaw hpyi sha ai nga ai. Dai gaw nga ai. Dan re, yawng gaw n re ting dai hku re. Wo.. nat ni mung n dai hku re n dai an hte gumgun nat ngu ai n dai ni gaw an hte shinggyim masha ni hte maren re. Shi grai n gun ja n na yang yang de, hkrung nga yang mung yawng yawng kaw hpyi ai masha nga ai. Nat rai ting dai hku re, nat n kau ni. Le..jinghku, kashu, kahkri ni kaw hpyi sha wa ai nga ai. Dai gaw gumgun nat. Gumgun nat rai sa dai gaw. Shawa nat n re. Shawa nat ngu ai gaw n dai masha yawng law law yawng jaw ai Mu nat, Sawn nat, Madai nat, dai gaw shawa nat re. Raitimung dai shawa nat hpe na n ta e nang hkrai jaw la tim mai ai. Htaw...madai nat mung nang Manau galaw na re nang shaga la n jaw ai. Shawa nat gaw kadai mung jaw lu ai. Dai nat gun gaw mai ai. Maran wa a nat hpe ngai majoi mi sa jaw n mai ai. Hpyi ma n hpyi ai. Dai hku re. . Language as given: Jinghpaw | |
Format: | Digitised: no Media: Audio | |
Identifier: | KK2-0008 | |
Identifier (URI): | http://catalog.paradisec.org.au/repository/KK2/0008 | |
Language: | Kachin | |
Language (ISO639): | kac | |
Rights: | Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions) | |
Subject: | Kachin language | |
Subject (ISO639): | kac | |
Subject (OLAC): | language_documentation | |
text_and_corpus_linguistics | ||
Table Of Contents (URI): | http://catalog.paradisec.org.au/repository/KK2/0008/KK2-0008-A.wav | |
http://catalog.paradisec.org.au/repository/KK2/0008/KK2-0008-A.mp3 | ||
http://catalog.paradisec.org.au/repository/KK2/0008/KK2-0008-A.eaf | ||
Type (DCMI): | Sound | |
Type (OLAC): | primary_text | |
OLAC Info |
Archive: | Pacific And Regional Archive for Digital Sources in Endangered Cultures (PARADISEC) | |
Description: | http://www.language-archives.org/archive/paradisec.org.au | |
GetRecord: | OAI-PMH request for OLAC format | |
GetRecord: | Pre-generated XML file | |
OAI Info |
OaiIdentifier: | oai:paradisec.org.au:KK2-0008 | |
DateStamp: | 2021-08-05 | |
GetRecord: | OAI-PMH request for simple DC format | |
Search Info | ||
Citation: | Keita Kurabe (compiler); Keita Kurabe (depositor); Magawng Gam (speaker). 2020. Pacific And Regional Archive for Digital Sources in Endangered Cultures (PARADISEC). | |
Terms: | area_Asia country_MM dcmi_Sound iso639_kac olac_language_documentation olac_primary_text olac_text_and_corpus_linguistics | |
Inferred Metadata | ||
Country: | Myanmar | |
Area: | Asia |