OLAC Record

Title:Second vocabulary list, Cardamom Khmer, part 2 of 2
Access Rights:Freely accessible
Alternative Title:Deuxième élicitation de vocabulaire, khmer des Cardamomes, partie 2 sur 2
Contributor (depositor):Michaud, Alexis
Contributor (researcher):Martin, Marie Alexandrine
Contributor (speaker):Unknown
Date Available (W3CDTF):2016-02-08
Date Created (W3CDTF):1968-08-02
Date Issued (W3CDTF):2016-03-25T17:58:17+01:00
Description:Second vocabulary list, Cardamom Khmer (part 2 of 2), two male speakers (55 and 62 years-old). Digitized from Michel Ferlus's copy of Marie Alexandrine Martin's original recording.
Deuxième liste de vocabulaire, Khmer des Cardamomes (partie 2 sur 2), deux locuteurs (55 et 62 ans) - [Face 3-B] Enquête linguistique suite et fin; vocabulaire de la cueillette
Format (IMT):audio/x-wav
Identifier:Ancienne cote: crdo-KHM_CARDAMOM_MARTIN_6_2_SOUND
Identifier (URI):https://cocoon.huma-num.fr/exist/crdo/meta/cocoon-6f826e8a-1d23-3d7b-b7b8-b8e9cf41d1fc
Is Format Of (URI):https://cocoon.huma-num.fr/data/ferlus/masters/crdo-KHM_CARDAMOM_MARTIN_6_2.wav
Is Part Of (URI):oai:crdo.vjf.cnrs.fr:cocoon-af3bd0fd-2b33-3b0b-a6f1-49a7fc551eb1
Language:Central Khmer; Cardamom Khmer
Central Khmer
Language (ISO639):khm
License (URI):http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.5/
Medium:Analog audio tape : Compact Cassette (TDK AD), itself copied from a reel-to-reel tape original
Publisher:Multimédia, Informations, Communication et Applications
Rights:Copyright (c) Michaud, Alexis
Spatial Coverage:Cambodia, Cardamoms, Koh Kong province, Koh Kong district, Chhkê Prus
Cambodge, Cardamomes, province de Kaoh Kong, district de Kaoh Kong, Chhkê Prus
Spatial Coverage (ISO3166):KH
Spatial Coverage (Point):east=103.1; north=11.3
Subject:Central Khmer language
Cardamom Khmer
Subject (ISO639):khm
Type (DCMI):Sound
Type (Discourse):dialogue
Type (OLAC):lexicon


Archive:  COllections de COrpus Oraux Numeriques (CoCoON ex-CRDO)
Description:  http://www.language-archives.org/archive/crdo.vjf.cnrs.fr
GetRecord:  OAI-PMH request for OLAC format
GetRecord:  Pre-generated XML file

OAI Info

OaiIdentifier:  oai:crdo.vjf.cnrs.fr:cocoon-6f826e8a-1d23-3d7b-b7b8-b8e9cf41d1fc
DateStamp:  2020-11-28
GetRecord:  OAI-PMH request for simple DC format

Search Info

Citation: Michaud, Alexis (depositor); Martin, Marie Alexandrine (researcher); Unknown (speaker); Unknown (speaker). 2016. Multimédia, Informations, Communication et Applications.
Terms: area_Asia country_KH dcmi_Sound iso639_khm olac_dialogue olac_lexicon

Inferred Metadata

Country: Cambodia
Area: Asia

Up-to-date as of: Thu Aug 1 13:35:03 EDT 2024