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OLAC Record oai:catalogue.elra.info:ELRA-M0020 |
Metadata | ||
Title: | EuroWordNet French | |
Access Rights: | Rights available for: nonCommercialUse, commercialUse, evaluationUse | |
Date Available (W3CDTF): | 1999-10-15 | |
Date Issued (W3CDTF): | 1999-10-15 | |
Date Modified (W3CDTF): | 2017-06-26 | |
Description: | A. Available Wordnets Following the announcement of the EuroWordNet databases in the last issue of the ELRA Newsletter (Vol.4 N.2), we are happy to announce that the list of EuroWordNet languages has grown. The following wordnets are now available via ELRA:ELRA ref. Language Synsets Word Meanings Language Internal Relations Equi-valence Relations ELRA-M0015 English Addition to English WordNet 16361 40588 42140 0 ELRA-M0016 Dutch 44015 70201 111639 53448 ELRA-M0017 Spanish 23370 50526 55163 21236 ELRA-M0018 Italian 48529 48499 117068 71789 ELRA-M0019 German 15132 20453 34818 16347 ELRA-M0020 French 22745 32809 49494 22730 ELRA-M0021 Czech 12824 19949 26259 12824 ELRA-M0022 Estonian 9317 13839 16318 9004 B. LR(1) Common Components (All Foreground - Data of layer 1) A. The Inter-Lingual-Index, which is a list of records (ILI-records), in the form of synsets mainly taken from WordNet1.5 or manually created. An ILI-record contains: A.1 synset: set of synonymous words or phrases (mostly from WordNet1.5) A.2 part-of-speech, A.3 one or more Top-Concept classifications (Optional) A.4 one or more Domain labels (Optional) A.5 a gloss in English (mostly from WordNet1.5) A.6 a unique ID linking the synset to its source (mostly WordNet1.5) B. Top-Ontology: an ontology of 63 basic semantic classes based on fundamental distinctions. By means of the Top-Ontology all the wordnets can be accessed using a single language-independent classification-scheme. Top-Concepts are only assigned to ILI-records. C. Domain-ontology: an ontology of subject-domains optionally assigned to ILI-records. D. A selection of ILI-records, the so-called Base-Concepts, which play a major role in the different wordnets. These Base-Concepts form the core of all the wordnets. All the Base-Concepts are classified in terms of the Top-Concepts that apply to them. E. WordNet1.5 (91591 synsets; 168217 meanings; 126520 entry words) in EuroWordNet format. C. LR(2) Language-Specific Components (Data of layer 2- partly Foreground and partly Background) Wordnets produced in the first project (LE2-4003): F. Dutch wordnet G. English wordnet (additional relations which are missing in WordNet1.5) H. Italian wordnet I. Spanish wordnet After extension of the project (LE4-8328): J. German wordnet K. French wordnet L. Czech wordnet M. Estonian wordnet The specific wordnets are language-internal structures, minimally containing:o set of variants or synonyms making up the synset o part-of-speech o language-internal relations to other synsets o equivalence relations with ILI-records o a unique-id linking the synset to its source Each wordnet will be distributed with LR1 and will include documentation on LR1 and the distributed wordnet. All the data will be distributed as text-files in the EuroWordNet import format and as Polaris database files (see below LR3). The EuroWordNet viewer (Periscope, see below LR3) can be used to access the database version. Polaris has to be licensed to modify and extend the database version. The wordnets are distributed without:o glosses o usage labels o morpho-syntactic properties o examples o word-to-word translations D. LR(3) Software The multilingual EUROWORDNET Database (partly Foreground, partly Background) consists of three components:o The actual wordnets in Flaim database format: an indexing and compression format of Novell. o Polaris (Louw 1997): a wordnet editing tool for creating, editing and exporting wordnets. o Periscope (Cuypers and Adriaens 1997): a graphical database viewer for viewing and exporting wordnets. The Polaris tool is a re-implementation of the Novell ConceptNet toolkit (Díez-Orzas et al 1995) adapted to the EuroWordNet architecture. Polaris can import new wordnets or wordnet fragments from ASCII files with the correct import format and it creates an indexed EUROWORDNET Database. Furthermore, it allows a user to edit and add relations in the wordnets and to formulate queries. The Polaris toolkit makes it possible to visualise the semantic relations as a tree-structure that can directly be edited. These trees can be expanded and shrunk by clicking on word-meanings and by specifying so-called TABs indicating the kind and depth of relations that need to be shown. Expanded trees or sub-trees can be stored as a set of synsets, which can be manipulated, saved or loaded. Additionally, it is possible to access the ILI or the ontologies, and to switch between the wordnets and ontologies via the ILI. Finally, it contains an interface to project sets of synsets across wordnets. The Periscope program is a public viewer that can be used to look at wordnets created by the Polaris tool and to compare them in a graphical interface. Word meanings can be looked up and trees can be expanded. Individual meanings or complete branches can be projected on another wordnet or wordnet structures can be compared via the equivalence relations with the Inter-Lingual-Index. Selected trees can be exported to text files. The Periscope program cannot be used for importing or changing wordnets. N. The Polaris program is partly Background and partly Foreground. It is property of Vantage Research and can be licensed as a EuroWordNet result from Vantage Research (http://www.vantage.com). O. The Periscope viewer is property of Vantage Research and is Foreground. E. Prices The prices indicated in the tables below are based on the number of synsets in each language wordnet. Members are offered a 50% discount on the public price. Each language wordnet has a fixed number of non divisible synsets.There are 4 different types of use:VAR-C = Commercial useVAR-I = Internal use by a commercial organisationVAR-E = Evaluation licence (3 month licence)End-User = Research use by an academic institutionLanguage wordnet Number of synsets ELRA-M0015 English Addition 16,361 ELRA-M0016 Dutch 44,015 ELRA-M0017 Spanish 23,370 ELRA-M0018 Italian 48,529 ELRA-M0019 German 15,132 ELRA-M0020 French 22,745 ELRA-M0021 Czech 12,824 ELRA-M0022 Estonian 9,317 Discount*** Number of synsets Discount Above 60,000 cumulated synsets 5% Above 100,000 cumulated synsets 10% Above 160,000 cumulated synsets 20% ***A discount is offered to both members and non-members according to the total (cumulated) number of synsets that are ordered at one time. The total number of synsets is calculated by adding up the number of synsets for each language wordnet purchased. For example, if you order the English and Dutch wordnets, the total amount of synsets is 16,361 synsets (English) + 44,015 synsets (Dutch) = 60,376 synsets. In this case, the 5% corresponding discount is applied. F. Technical support Technical support may be provided by members of the consortium. It will be implemented through bilateral agreements between the User and the member of the consortium responsible for the data acquired by User. As an indication the support contract will be on a yearly basis and will cost 10-20 KEURO/Year.For more information about the EuroWordNet project: https://www.illc.uva.nl/EuroWordNet/ | |
Identifier: | ELRA-M0020 | |
ISLRN: 473-160-472-670-7 | ||
Identifier (URI): | https://catalog.elra.info/en-us/repository/browse/ELRA-M0020/ | |
Language: | English | |
French | ||
Language (ISO639): | eng | |
fra | ||
Medium: | Not specified | |
Publisher: | ELRA (European Language Resources Association) | |
Type (DCMI): | Text | |
Type (OLAC): | lexicon | |
OLAC Info |
Archive: | ELRA Catalogue of Language Resources | |
Description: | http://www.language-archives.org/archive/catalogue.elra.info | |
GetRecord: | OAI-PMH request for OLAC format | |
GetRecord: | Pre-generated XML file | |
OAI Info |
OaiIdentifier: | oai:catalogue.elra.info:ELRA-M0020 | |
DateStamp: | 1999-10-15 | |
GetRecord: | OAI-PMH request for simple DC format | |
Search Info | ||
Citation: | n.a. 1999. ELRA (European Language Resources Association). | |
Terms: | area_Europe country_FR country_GB dcmi_Text iso639_eng iso639_fra olac_lexicon |