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OLAC Record oai:ahtnaheritagefoundation.com:OTHB01-0022-01 |
Metadata | ||
Title: | Maggie Eskilida | |
Access Rights: | standard | |
Date: | 1988-10-06 | |
Description: | Maggie Eskilida, 78, messed up birth date, just kept the date the state gave her for a birth date, born in Lower Tonsina, John Billum and Mariam Billum, Grandparents is her Dad's Father, Doc Billum. Doc Billum had ferry at Tonsina. What do you know about the back scatter? Not much. What about the hunting? Up there they use the land to hunt, gather berries and other things. This is what they call subsistence. Is there a word for subsistence? Don't remember. Yii Baa d'itslaani - Ahtna word for subsistence. food waste is really engii. People know not to waste what they get. Got to cut and dry meat, everything. Have to do that to preserve the meat and fish. Tulsona Creek is where they hunted got caribou. Went to fish lake for fish. Her Grandpa when her dad was little boy. He took them up, nothing to eat where they were. So he took the kids (her Dad and sisters and brothers) went all the way up to get food for his family. this was starvation time, if he didn't do this his family would be no more. Family would have starved if he didn't take them up there. It was winter time. Do you think subsistence changed? Oh yeah, we never waste anything. We take everything for moose, caribou, fish, everything we hunt and trap for we take. I can't tell you what white man think. They walk long ways for the berries. Just for the berries. They eat it with fish grease, cook it with fat. What is the big change? Interference from white people. Still go across the river to get berries, roots and hunt. Some places can't find the berries because of the highway they built over it. We lost traditional ways because of laws. We can't fish where we want to anymore. Have to go where they tell us to go. Do you think the Ahtna people will ever go back to old timer way? No I don't think so. Why? Because they don't know how to live that way. They were never trained to live that way. Is it important for them to learn? Yes, it will help them survive. they don't know how to survive now except for white man way. Gotta show them. Even if I try to tell them they wouldn't know how because it wasn't shown to them. Do you think that the young kids will be effected by the white man school? Some of them may not make it in the white school, they probably won't make it. Gotta learn Indian way. People now don't talk about things the way they used to long ago. The old people used to talk about the country and where they hunt and everything, now they don't. Engii is big word, Engii is control stuff. Lotta things were engii. It was control word. About this back scatter do you think it will effect subsistence? Can't really answer that because I don't know what they are doing. Those were the hunting grounds and for fishing at Tulsona Creek. Lost trap lines, fishing problems, hunting grounds are inaccessible. what can be done to stop problems with back scatter? Don't know. How you gonna stop them? Don't know. want to hear about the story about Tulsona creek. People went there any time, spring for fish trap, trapping, hunting and fish. They get ling cod. what about back scatter will it be good for the people? don't know. Kids today want to trap but have no where to go. Trap lines were taken away by white people. Natives don't have snow machines like they do. they can go way up the mountain to trap. Old days we used to walk to trap. We used to hunt at Nabesna. We used car to get there and then walk in the woods to hunt. . Language as given: aht | |
Format: | Digitised: 0; Media: compact cassette; Media description: Maxwell UR 90 | |
Identifier: | OTHB01-0022-01 | |
Language: | Ahtena | |
English | ||
Language (ISO639): | aht | |
eng | ||
Subject: | Ahtena language | |
English language | ||
Subject (ISO639): | aht | |
eng | ||
OLAC Info |
Archive: | C'ek'aedi Hwnax Ahtna Regional Linguistic and Ethnographic Archive | |
Description: | http://www.language-archives.org/archive/ahtnaheritagefoundation.com | |
GetRecord: | OAI-PMH request for OLAC format | |
GetRecord: | Pre-generated XML file | |
OAI Info |
OaiIdentifier: | oai:ahtnaheritagefoundation.com:OTHB01-0022-01 | |
DateStamp: | 1988-10-06 | |
GetRecord: | OAI-PMH request for simple DC format | |
Search Info | ||
Citation: | n.a. 1988-10-06. C'ek'aedi Hwnax Ahtna Regional Linguistic and Ethnographic Archive. | |
Terms: | area_Americas area_Europe country_GB country_US iso639_aht iso639_eng | |
Inferred Metadata | ||
Country: | United KingdomUnited States | |
Area: | AmericasEurope |