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OLAC Record oai:ahtnaheritagefoundation.com:OTHB01-0007-01 |
Metadata | ||
Title: | Fred Ewan | |
Access Rights: | standard | |
Date: | 1987-11-19 | |
Description: | Continuation of OTHB01-0006-01 Stories Paint the rocks with tsiis - paint still there, painted by Aleuts. Paint the rock when they declared war on Ahtna people. Big story about this. Why were people buried where they buried by Indian traditional ways? We didn't bury before we burn them and then bury the ashes. People were buried where they lived. Crosswind Lake has a graveyard there. His uncles, daddy, cousins are buried there and at Fish Lake. People who were buried, relatives would go back and talk to the graves and ask them to help them. Around late 1700's or early 1800's they started using a box. Listed names of relatives buried at Crosswind and Fish lakes. Fish Lake is where his Uncle's mother is buried. Fish Lake is Ga'bene kizaani? Flew over Crosswind and Fish Lake - North end is where Fred's cabin is and there are graves near the lake. South and North ends of the Fish Lake. Don't know who is buried there though. What had to be done when burying someone to make it right? Bury them close by, all the relations had to have long rope to hang on to, burn it off. That mean you not gonna die, last long time. Who can bury? If Neltsiine die then different clan gotta bury them. If Udizyu then Neltsiine gotta bury them, opposite clan. Take a bath before they can come to the house to eat. One year after then do something for them. Potlatch. Old people probably don't want people to disturb the graves and other sites. Cremated dead people with two cords of wood. Make it really hot. Throw everything in with body to show love. Clothing, jewelery. Crosswind Lake and Cuuy are important places. Mouth of Gulkana river important to him too. His Grandpa lived there. All rich people lived there. Why are these places important to him? Because that is where his family lived and took care of each other. If these places were to be disturbed by backscatter what could Air Force or Ahtna do to make it right? He don't want them disturbed. They should give him something for bothering the sites. Leave the graves alone. 100 feet before it is wrong regarding disturbing the grave or something like that. Relatives can go up to the grave. What about a bull dozer? 200-300 feet. Should leave everything up to the elders or Ahtna people. These places are important because all his relatives were there and they were taken care of there. They used to say thank you to the land for taking care of them. Any way to move a grave if Air Force had to move a grave? Never disturbed a grave before. Don't move. If artifacts are found who should they be given to? Ahtna should get the artifacts or family of where it was found. . Language as given: aht | |
Format: | Digitised: 0; Media: compact cassette; Media description: Maxwell USD-II 90 | |
Identifier: | OTHB01-0007-01 | |
Language: | Ahtena | |
English | ||
Language (ISO639): | aht | |
eng | ||
Subject: | Ahtena language | |
English language | ||
Subject (ISO639): | aht | |
eng | ||
OLAC Info |
Archive: | C'ek'aedi Hwnax Ahtna Regional Linguistic and Ethnographic Archive | |
Description: | http://www.language-archives.org/archive/ahtnaheritagefoundation.com | |
GetRecord: | OAI-PMH request for OLAC format | |
GetRecord: | Pre-generated XML file | |
OAI Info |
OaiIdentifier: | oai:ahtnaheritagefoundation.com:OTHB01-0007-01 | |
DateStamp: | 1987-11-19 | |
GetRecord: | OAI-PMH request for simple DC format | |
Search Info | ||
Citation: | n.a. 1987-11-19. C'ek'aedi Hwnax Ahtna Regional Linguistic and Ethnographic Archive. | |
Terms: | area_Americas area_Europe country_GB country_US iso639_aht iso639_eng | |
Inferred Metadata | ||
Country: | United KingdomUnited States | |
Area: | AmericasEurope |