OLAC Logo OLAC resources in and about the Toba language

ISO 639-3: tob

The combined catalog of all OLAC participants contains the following resources that are relevant to this language:

Other known names and dialect names: Chaco Sur, Emok-Lik, Namqom, Northern Toba, Qom, Southeast Toba, Takshika, Toba Qom, Toba Sur, Toba-Qom

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Primary texts

  1. ONLINEResources in the Toba language. n.a. 2014. Archive of the Indigenous Languages of Latin America (AILLA). oai:ailla.utexas.org:tob
  2. ONLINEQom l'Aqtaqa (El Antiguo Testamente Corto en Toba). The Long Now Foundation. 1993. Argentina: Associacion Sociedad Biblica Argentina. oai:rosettaproject.org:rosettaproject_tob_gen-1

Lexical resources

  1. ONLINECrúbadán language data for Toba. Kevin Scannell. 2018. The Crúbadán Project. oai:crubadan.org:tob

Language descriptions

  1. ONLINEGlottolog 5.0 Resources for Toba. n.a. 2024. Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology. oai:glottolog.org:toba1269
  2. ONLINEPHOIBLE 2.0 phonemic inventories for Toba. n.a. 2019. Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History. oai:phoible.org:toba1269
  3. ONLINESAILS Online Resources for Toba. n.a. 2020. Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History. oai:sails.clld.org:tob
  4. ONLINEWALS Online Resources for Toba. n.a. 2022. Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology. oai:wals.info:tob
  5. ONLINELAPSyD Online page for Toba. Maddieson, Ian. 2009. www.lapsyd.ddl.cnrs.fr. oai:www.lapsyd.ddl.ish-lyon.cnrs.fr:src687

Other resources about the language

  1. ONLINEA Grammar of Argentine Toba: Verbal and Nominal Morphology. Klein, Harriet E. Manelis. 1973. WALS Online RefDB. oai:refdb.wals.info:3213
  2. ONLINEToba. Klein, Harriet E. Manelis. 2001. Lincom Europa. oai:refdb.wals.info:3214
  3. ONLINENoun Classification Systems of Amazonian Languages. Derbyshire, Desmond C.; Payne, Doris L. 1990. Amazonian Linguistics, Studies in Lowland South American Languages. oai:refdb.wals.info:4073
  4. ONLINELengua toba (guaycurú): aspectos gramaticales y discursivos. Messineo, Cristina. 2003. Lincom Europa. oai:refdb.wals.info:5215
  5. ONLINEVocabulario Toba. Buckwalter, Alberto S. 1980. Talleres Gráficos Grancharoff. oai:refdb.wals.info:5275
  6. Vocabulario toba. Vellard, Jehan Albert, 1900-. 1969. Cuadernos de lingüística indígena ; 6. oai:gial.edu:28247
  7. ONLINEToba: a language of Argentina. n.a. 2018. SIL International. oai:ethnologue.com:tob
  8. ONLINELINGUIST List Resources for Toba. Damir Cavar, eLinguistics Foundation Board Member (editor); Malgorzata E. Cavar, Director of Linguist List (editor). 2022-05-31. The LINGUIST List (www.linguistlist.org). oai:linguistlist.org:lang_tob
  9. ONLINENa Nqataxacpi Na Ỹotta'At Shiyaxauapi Mayi Netalec Ana 'Alhua Na Hua'auchiguii N'aqtacpi. The Long Now Foundation. 2000. Argentina/Uruguay: United Nations Information Centre. oai:rosettaproject.org:rosettaproject_tob_undec-1

Other known names and dialect names: Chaco Sur, Emok-Lik, Namqom, Northern Toba, Qom, Southeast Toba, Takshika, Toba Qom, Toba Sur, Toba-Qom

Other search terms: dialect, vernacular, discourse, stories, conversation, dialogue, documentation, lexicon, dictionary, vocabulary, wordlist, phrase book, grammar, syntax, morphology, phonology, orthography

Up-to-date as of: Fri Jul 26 8:59:43 EDT 2024