OLAC Logo OLAC resources in and about the Tepo Krumen language

ISO 639-3: ted

The combined catalog of all OLAC participants contains the following resources that are relevant to this language:

Other known names and dialect names: Bapo, Dapo, Glawlo, Honpo, Kapo, Kroumen, Kru, Krumen, Tepo Krumen, Plapo, Ropo, Southern Krumen, Southwestern Kroumen, Tepo, Wlopo, Yrepo

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Language descriptions

  1. ONLINEGlottolog 5.0 Resources for Tepo Krumen. n.a. 2024. Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology. oai:glottolog.org:tepo1239
  2. ONLINEPHOIBLE 2.0 phonemic inventories for Tepo Krumen. n.a. 2019. Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History. oai:phoible.org:tepo1239
  3. ONLINEAlphabets of Africa. Hartell, Rhonda L. 1993. Dakar, Senegal: UNESCO Regional Office. oai:rosettaproject.org:rosettaproject_ted_ortho-1
  4. Elements de grammaire Kroumen tepo: parler kru de la Côte d’Ivoire. Thalmann, Peter. 1987. SIL International. oai:sil.org:9469

Other resources about the language

  1. L'accord vocalique en Tépo. Dawson, Keith. 1975. Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire : The University. oai:gial.edu:18881
  2. ONLINEKrumen, Tepo: a language of Côte d’Ivoire. n.a. 2018. SIL International. oai:ethnologue.com:ted
  3. ONLINELINGUIST List Resources for Krumen, Tepo. Damir Cavar, Director of Linguist List (editor); Malgorzata E. Cavar, Director of Linguist List (editor). 2017-09-27. The LINGUIST List (www.linguistlist.org). oai:linguistlist.org:lang_ted
  4. Contes kroumen. Thalmann, Peter. 1981. SIL International. oai:sil.org:827
  5. Tonèmes et règles tonales du krou tepo. Thalmann, Peter. 1978. SIL International. oai:sil.org:1904
  6. L’accord vocalique en tépo. Dawson, Keith. 1975. SIL International. oai:sil.org:1930
  7. A propos des particles nɩ²/nɩ² en kroumen tépo. Thalmann, Peter. 1979. Institut de Linguistique Appliquée. oai:sil.org:2044
  8. Le developpement des auxiliaires dans les langues kru. Marchese, Lynell. 1978. SIL International. oai:sil.org:2852
  9. On assertive focus and the inherent focus nature of negatives and imperatives: Evidence from Kru. Marchese, Lynell. 1983. SIL International. oai:sil.org:3195
  10. ONLINETense innovation in the Kru language family. Marchese, Lynell. 1984. SIL International. oai:sil.org:3491
  11. Applicative marking in Kru. Egner, Inge. 2003. SIL International. oai:sil.org:3717
  12. Remarks on negation in Tepo Krou. Dawson, Keith. 1982. Summer Institute of Linguistics. oai:sil.org:4729
  13. Alphabets of Côte d’Ivoire – Country Introduction from Alphabets of Africa. Kouadio NʼGuessan, Jérémie. 1993. UNESCO and Summer Institute of Linguistics. oai:sil.org:5072
  14. ONLINETense/aspect and the development of auxiliaries in Kru languages. Marchese, Lynell. 1986. Summer Institute of Linguistics and the University of Texas at Arlington. oai:sil.org:8616
  15. Tense/aspect and the development of auxiliaries in the Kru language family. Marchese, Lynell. 1979. SIL International. oai:sil.org:9699
  16. Enquête dialectale kroumen. Maire, John; Thalmann, Peter. 1980. Institut de Linguistique Appliquée and Société Internationale de Linguistique. oai:sil.org:34371
  17. Dɛ- kɔ -tɩ =Wɛ kɔ Kɔkɔ ʼhɛɛn ʼɩ ʼnɩnɩ naa ʼo -tɛgbii -do. Thalmann, Madeleine (editor); Thalmann, Peter (editor). 1982. Société Internationale de Linguistique. oai:sil.org:34592
  18. Ba ʼde -ba -hre -a nɛ ʼbliwin. Thalmann, Madeleine (editor). 1988. Société Internationale de Linguistique. oai:sil.org:34609
  19. Nahuon -gbo, =be ɔ di nu, ʼplɩɩ ɔ ʼmʋ =ta ʼle?. Néa, Takouo Paul. 1982. Société Internationale de Linguistique. oai:sil.org:34663
  20. Ba nɩ -ba ʼcrɩɩ -a nɩ ʼbiwin. Thalmann, Madeleine; Thalmann, Peter. 1980. Société Internationale de Linguistique. oai:sil.org:34668

Other known names and dialect names: Bapo, Dapo, Glawlo, Honpo, Kapo, Kroumen, Kru, Krumen, Tepo Krumen, Plapo, Ropo, Southern Krumen, Southwestern Kroumen, Tepo, Wlopo, Yrepo

Other search terms: dialect, vernacular, grammar, syntax, morphology, phonology, orthography

Up-to-date as of: Fri Jul 26 8:58:58 EDT 2024