OLAC Logo OLAC resources in and about the Sentani language

ISO 639-3: set

The combined catalog of all OLAC participants contains the following resources that are relevant to this language:

Other known names and dialect names: Buyaka, Central Sentani, East Sentani, West Sentani

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Primary texts

  1. ONLINERB2-005. Blust, Robert (depositor); Blust, Robert (researcher); de Jesus, Rui Pagilo (Kemak) (speaker); Ginging, Wendell (Tindal Dusun) (speaker). 2014. Kaipuleohone. oai:scholarspace.manoa.hawaii.edu:10125/33165
  2. ONLINECJM1-004. Mayer, Clemens J. (depositor); Mayer, Clemens J. (researcher); Kaigere, Gershon (speaker). 2020. Kaipuleohone. oai:scholarspace.manoa.hawaii.edu:10125/81578
  3. ONLINECJM1-005. Mayer, Clemens J. (depositor); Mayer, Clemens J. (researcher); Kaigere, Gershon (speaker). 2020. Kaipuleohone. oai:scholarspace.manoa.hawaii.edu:10125/81579

Lexical resources

  1. ONLINESentani Swadesh List. n.a. n.d. The Rosetta Project: A Long Now Foundation Library of Human Language. oai:rosettaproject.org:rosettaproject_set_swadesh-1
  2. ONLINERB2-005. Blust, Robert (depositor); Blust, Robert (researcher); de Jesus, Rui Pagilo (Kemak) (speaker); Ginging, Wendell (Tindal Dusun) (speaker). 2014. Kaipuleohone. oai:scholarspace.manoa.hawaii.edu:10125/33165
  3. ONLINECJM1-001. Mayer, Clemens J. (depositor); Mayer, Clemens J. (researcher); Kaigere, Gershon (speaker). 2020. Kaipuleohone. oai:scholarspace.manoa.hawaii.edu:10125/81575
  4. ONLINECJM1-002. Mayer, Clemens J. (depositor); Mayer, Clemens J. (researcher); Kaigere, Gershon (speaker). 2020. Kaipuleohone. oai:scholarspace.manoa.hawaii.edu:10125/81576
  5. ONLINECJM1-003. Mayer, Clemens J. (depositor); Mayer, Clemens J. (researcher); Kaigere, Gershon (speaker). 2020. Kaipuleohone. oai:scholarspace.manoa.hawaii.edu:10125/81577
  6. ONLINECJM1-006. Mayer, Clemens J. (depositor); Mayer, Clemens J. (researcher); Kaigere, Gershon (speaker). 2020. Kaipuleohone. oai:scholarspace.manoa.hawaii.edu:10125/81580
  7. ONLINECJM1-007. Mayer, Clemens J. (depositor); Mayer, Clemens J. (researcher); Kaigere, Gershon (speaker). 2020. Kaipuleohone. oai:scholarspace.manoa.hawaii.edu:10125/81581
  8. ONLINECJM1-008. Mayer, Clemens J. (depositor); Mayer, Clemens J. (researcher); Kaigere, Gershon (speaker). 2020. Kaipuleohone. oai:scholarspace.manoa.hawaii.edu:10125/81582
  9. ONLINECJM1-009. Mayer, Clemens J. (depositor); Mayer, Clemens J. (researcher); Kaigere, Gershon (speaker). 2020. Kaipuleohone. oai:scholarspace.manoa.hawaii.edu:10125/81583
  10. ONLINECJM1-010. Mayer, Clemens J. (depositor); Mayer, Clemens J. (researcher); Kaigere, Gershon (speaker). 2021. Kaipuleohone. oai:scholarspace.manoa.hawaii.edu:10125/81584
  11. ONLINEA eleilei buyaka afaeu. Hartzler, Dwight; Onde, Yotam. 1979. Universitas Cenderawasih and Summer Institute of Linguistics. oai:sil.org:38351
  12. ONLINEtransnewguinea.org Resources for Sentani. Simon J. Greenhill (editor). 2024. transnewguinea.org (transnewguinea.org). oai:transnewguinea.org:set.323

Language descriptions

  1. ONLINEGlottolog 5.0 Resources for Sentani. n.a. 2024. Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology. oai:glottolog.org:nucl1632
  2. ONLINEPHOIBLE 2.0 phonemic inventories for Sentani. n.a. 2019. Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History. oai:phoible.org:nucl1632
  3. ONLINERB2-005. Blust, Robert (depositor); Blust, Robert (researcher); de Jesus, Rui Pagilo (Kemak) (speaker); Ginging, Wendell (Tindal Dusun) (speaker). 2014. Kaipuleohone. oai:scholarspace.manoa.hawaii.edu:10125/33165
  4. ONLINECJM1-003. Mayer, Clemens J. (depositor); Mayer, Clemens J. (researcher); Kaigere, Gershon (speaker). 2020. Kaipuleohone. oai:scholarspace.manoa.hawaii.edu:10125/81577
  5. ONLINECJM1-006. Mayer, Clemens J. (depositor); Mayer, Clemens J. (researcher); Kaigere, Gershon (speaker). 2020. Kaipuleohone. oai:scholarspace.manoa.hawaii.edu:10125/81580
  6. ONLINECJM1-007. Mayer, Clemens J. (depositor); Mayer, Clemens J. (researcher); Kaigere, Gershon (speaker). 2020. Kaipuleohone. oai:scholarspace.manoa.hawaii.edu:10125/81581
  7. ONLINECJM1-008. Mayer, Clemens J. (depositor); Mayer, Clemens J. (researcher); Kaigere, Gershon (speaker). 2020. Kaipuleohone. oai:scholarspace.manoa.hawaii.edu:10125/81582
  8. ONLINECJM1-009. Mayer, Clemens J. (depositor); Mayer, Clemens J. (researcher); Kaigere, Gershon (speaker). 2020. Kaipuleohone. oai:scholarspace.manoa.hawaii.edu:10125/81583
  9. ONLINECJM1-010. Mayer, Clemens J. (depositor); Mayer, Clemens J. (researcher); Kaigere, Gershon (speaker). 2021. Kaipuleohone. oai:scholarspace.manoa.hawaii.edu:10125/81584
  10. ONLINEReview of: Grammar of the Sentani language, with specimen texts and vocabulary, by H. K. J. Cowan. Healey, Phyllis M. 1968. SIL International. oai:sil.org:22991
  11. ONLINEReview of: Grammar of the Sentani language, by H. K. J. Cowan. Pence, Alan R. 1971. SIL International. oai:sil.org:37746
  12. ONLINEMode, aspect, and foregrounding in Sentani. Hartzler, Margaret. 1983. SIL International. oai:sil.org:37755
  13. ONLINEWALS Online Resources for Sentani. n.a. 2022. Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology. oai:wals.info:snt
  14. ONLINELAPSyD Online page for Sentani. Maddieson, Ian. 2009. www.lapsyd.ddl.cnrs.fr. oai:www.lapsyd.ddl.ish-lyon.cnrs.fr:src255

Other resources about the language

  1. ONLINEThe Papuan Languages of New Guinea. Foley, William A. 1986. Cambridge University Press. oai:refdb.wals.info:1527
  2. ONLINELinguistic Diversity in Space and Time. Nichols, Johanna. 1992. University of Chicago Press. oai:refdb.wals.info:4050
  3. ONLINESentani. Hartzler, Margaret. 1994. Typological Studies in Negation. oai:refdb.wals.info:4490
  4. Grammar of the Sentani language : with specimen texts and vocabulary. Cowan, Hendrik Karel Jan. n.d. Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde ; deel 47. oai:gial.edu:24941
  5. Surrey Person Syncretism Database. Baerman, Matthew. 2002. University of Surrey. oai:surrey.smg.surrey.ac.uk:personsyncretism
  6. ONLINESentani: a language of Indonesia. n.a. 2018. SIL International. oai:ethnologue.com:set
  7. ONLINELINGUIST List Resources for Sentani. Damir Cavar, eLinguistics Foundation Board Member (editor); Malgorzata E. Cavar, Director of Linguist List (editor). 2022-05-31. The LINGUIST List (www.linguistlist.org). oai:linguistlist.org:lang_set
  8. A brief phonology of the Sentani language. Hartzler, Margaret. 1992. SIL International. oai:sil.org:37424
  9. A study of Sentani verb structure. Hartzler, Dwight. 1976. SIL International. oai:sil.org:37452
  10. ONLINETowards a reconstruction of Proto Tabla-Sentani phonology. Gregerson, Kenneth J.; Hartzler, Margaret. 1987. SIL International. oai:sil.org:37550
  11. Sentani. Hartzler, Margaret. 1994. Benjamins. oai:sil.org:37639
  12. ONLINEBuyaka obo yoku naei rilime. Mehue, Chris; Monim, Gad. 1990. Universitas Cenderawasih and Summer Institute of Linguistics. oai:sil.org:38286
  13. Gizi; imunisasi; malaria (Uwa foi naei raman; era he bulo he; hengkaendu era be kole). Hartzler, Dwight; Palo, Usiel. 1989. Yayasan Kesehatan Bethesda and Kantor Wilayah Departemen Kesehatan Propinsi Irian Jaya. oai:sil.org:38341
  14. ONLINERo miyae yona onomi foka nekemale naei: Miyae fa onomi foka nekenate naei nibi. Hartzler, Dwight (translator); Pallo, Usiel (translator). 1986. Kantor Wilayah Departemen Kesehatan Propinsi Irian Jaya. oai:sil.org:38433

Other resources in the language

  1. ONLINEReligious texts of the oral tradition from Western New-Guinea (Irian Jaya). Kamma, Freerk Ch. (Freerk Christiaans). 1975-. Nisaba ; v. 3, 8. oai:pacific.library.manoa.hawaii.edu:1288457

Other known names and dialect names: Buyaka, Central Sentani, East Sentani, West Sentani

Other search terms: dialect, vernacular, discourse, stories, conversation, dialogue, documentation, lexicon, dictionary, vocabulary, wordlist, phrase book, grammar, syntax, morphology, phonology, orthography

Up-to-date as of: Fri Jul 26 8:55:27 EDT 2024