OLAC Logo OLAC resources in and about the Ndali language

ISO 639-3: ndh

The combined catalog of all OLAC participants contains the following resources that are relevant to this language:

Other known names and dialect names: Chindali, Cindali, Ici-Ndali, Icindali, Kindali, Ndari, Sukwa

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Lexical resources

  1. ONLINECrúbadán language data for Ndali. Kevin Scannell. 2018. The Crúbadán Project. oai:crubadan.org:ndh
  2. Utumbakaasha utwa mubhili. Yalonde, Karin (editor); Mbughi, Safari (translator). 2017. SIL International. oai:sil.org:90650
  3. Ukalata ughwa finyamaana. Ngogo, Gift (illustrator); Kasanga, Hebeli (translator); Kayuni, Dikisoni (translator); Kibona, Antoni (translator); Kilembe, Lyaata (translator); Mbisa, Amani (translator); Mbukwa, Limisoni (translator); Mukumbwa, Amenye (translator); Mukumbwa, Angolile (translator); Mukumbwa, Mashaka (translator); Mukumbwa, Simiyoni (translator); Mwambene, Fabiani (translator); Mwogha, Loti (translator); Panja, Angundile (translator); Sambo, Jailosi (translator). 2018. SIL International. oai:sil.org:91822

Language descriptions

  1. ONLINEGlottolog 5.0 Resources for Ndali. n.a. 2024. Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology. oai:glottolog.org:ndal1241
  2. ONLINEPHOIBLE 2.0 phonemic inventories for Ndali. n.a. 2019. Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History. oai:phoible.org:ndal1241
  3. Functions of the verbal suffix -a(n)g- in some Bantu languages of southwest Tanzania. Eaton, Helen. 2018. SIL International. oai:sil.org:75653

Other resources about the language

  1. ONLINENdali: a language of Tanzania. n.a. 2018. SIL International. oai:ethnologue.com:ndh
  2. ONLINELINGUIST List Resources for Ndali. Damir Cavar, eLinguistics Foundation Board Member (editor); Malgorzata E. Cavar, Director of Linguist List (editor). 2022-05-31. The LINGUIST List (www.linguistlist.org). oai:linguistlist.org:lang_ndh
  3. Herufi za Kindali. Tlustos, Martin (compiler); Stegen, Oliver (consultant). 2004. SIL. oai:sil.org:35858
  4. Kwaya ya Kapelekeeshi. Clifford; Jo. 2015. Wycliffe Bible Translators, Inc. oai:sil.org:74799
  5. Kwaya ya Mulenda. Clifford; Jo. 2015. Wycliffe Bible Translators, Inc. oai:sil.org:74800
  6. Kupepe ukubhelenga injugha yiitu iya Chindali. n.a. 2017. SIL International. oai:sil.org:90633
  7. Kupepe ukubhelenga injugha yiitu iya Chindali. n.a. 2017. SIL International. oai:sil.org:90634
  8. Ikalenda iya Chindali 2017. n.a. 2016. Huduma ya Kutafsiri Biblia na Kuendeleza Lugha za Asili. oai:sil.org:91143
  9. Tuyighindikaghe injugha yiitu iya Chindali. Eaton, Helen (consultant); Niederseer, Brigitte (consultant); Mbande, Boniface (translator); Mbughi, Safari (translator); Mtafya, Imani (translator). 2018. SIL International. oai:sil.org:91917
  10. Tutunoshange utwaya twitu. Konga, Juhudi. 2019. SIL International. oai:sil.org:92148
  11. UKaseele nu Nduuli. Mbanji, Bawe Ernest (illustrator); Kajange, G. (translator); Kayange, E. (translator); Msomba, Y. (translator); Shola, M. (translator). 2019. SIL International. oai:sil.org:92159
  12. Ialufabheeti na mashu agha Chindali. n.a. 2008. SIL International. oai:sil.org:94523

Other known names and dialect names: Chindali, Cindali, Ici-Ndali, Icindali, Kindali, Ndari, Sukwa

Other search terms: dialect, vernacular, lexicon, dictionary, vocabulary, wordlist, phrase book, grammar, syntax, morphology, phonology, orthography

Up-to-date as of: Fri Jul 26 8:37:36 EDT 2024