OLAC Logo OLAC resources in and about the Mocoví language

ISO 639-3: moc

The combined catalog of all OLAC participants contains the following resources that are relevant to this language:

Other known names and dialect names: Mbocobí, Mocobí

Use faceted search to explore resources for Mocoví language.

Primary texts

  1. ONLINEResources in the Mocoví language. n.a. 2014. Archive of the Indigenous Languages of Latin America (AILLA). oai:ailla.utexas.org:moc

Lexical resources

  1. ONLINECrúbadán language data for Mocoví. Kevin Scannell. 2018. The Crúbadán Project. oai:crubadan.org:moc

Language descriptions

  1. ONLINEGlottolog 5.0 Resources for Mocoví. n.a. 2024. Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology. oai:glottolog.org:moco1246
  2. ONLINEPHOIBLE 2.0 phonemic inventories for Mocoví. n.a. 2019. Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History. oai:phoible.org:moco1246
  3. ONLINESAILS Online Resources for Mocoví. n.a. 2020. Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History. oai:sails.clld.org:moc
  4. ONLINEWALS Online Resources for Mocoví. n.a. 2022. Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology. oai:wals.info:mcv

Other resources about the language

  1. ONLINEA grammar of Mocovi. Grondona, Veronica Maria. 1998. WALS Online RefDB. oai:refdb.wals.info:2373
  2. ONLINETradiciones, leyendas y vida de los indios del norte. Flury, Lázaro. 1951. Ciordia & Rodriguez. oai:refdb.wals.info:5336
  3. ONLINEMocoví: a language of Argentina. n.a. 2018. SIL International. oai:ethnologue.com:moc
  4. ONLINEAbuelo-GLOSS. EAO (speaker); Katharina Haude (compiler). n.d. DoBeS archive : Movima. oai:www.mpi.nl:lat_1839_00_0000_0000_001B_86E9_D
  5. ONLINEcarneada. AS. n.d. DoBeS archive : Chaco languages. oai:www.mpi.nl:lat_1839_00_0000_0000_0007_E779_5
  6. ONLINEmenstruacion. LS. n.d. DoBeS archive : Chaco languages. oai:www.mpi.nl:lat_1839_00_0000_0000_0007_E795_6
  7. ONLINEshamanicsong02. SC (researcher); Modesto (consultant). n.d. DoBeS archive : Chaco languages. oai:www.mpi.nl:lat_1839_00_0000_0000_0007_E7B3_D
  8. ONLINENaye. JAO (speaker); Katharina Haude (compiler). n.d. DoBeS archive : Movima. oai:www.mpi.nl:lat_1839_00_0000_0000_001B_86EC_5
  9. ONLINEartesanias3. SC (researcher); JV (consultant). n.d. DoBeS archive : Chaco languages. oai:www.mpi.nl:lat_1839_00_0000_0000_0007_E805_D
  10. ONLINEshamanicsong01. SC (compiler); SC (annotator); MG (speaker). n.d. DoBeS archive : Chaco languages. oai:www.mpi.nl:lat_1839_00_0000_0000_0007_E7B0_8
  11. ONLINEclmocovigram2. BG. n.d. DoBeS archive : Chaco languages. oai:www.mpi.nl:lat_1839_00_0000_0000_0007_E815_F
  12. ONLINEclmocovigram1. BG. n.d. DoBeS archive : Chaco languages. oai:www.mpi.nl:lat_1839_00_0000_0000_0007_E813_4
  13. ONLINEvizcachadance. SC (researcher); Modesto (consultant). n.d. DoBeS archive : Chaco languages. oai:www.mpi.nl:lat_1839_00_0000_0000_0007_E7B9_5
  14. ONLINEmedicinas1. PV; TC. n.d. DoBeS archive : Chaco languages. oai:www.mpi.nl:lat_1839_00_0000_0000_0007_E7C3_E
  15. ONLINEjoke. Samuel. n.d. DoBeS archive : Chaco languages. oai:www.mpi.nl:lat_1839_00_0000_0000_0007_E7C6_7
  16. ONLINEcuento1. AL. n.d. DoBeS archive : Chaco languages. oai:www.mpi.nl:lat_1839_00_0000_0000_0007_E786_7
  17. ONLINEespacio-tiempo. SC (researcher); Juan (consultant). n.d. DoBeS archive : Chaco languages. oai:www.mpi.nl:lat_1839_00_0000_0000_0007_E771_F
  18. ONLINEencuentroR1. PV (consultant); CM (compiler). n.d. DoBeS archive : Chaco languages. oai:www.mpi.nl:lat_1839_00_0000_0000_0007_E7BC_4
  19. ONLINEcomida. AL (consultant); MH (compiler); SC (researcher); JM (consultant). n.d. DoBeS archive : Chaco languages. oai:www.mpi.nl:lat_1839_00_0000_0000_0007_E7C9_6
  20. ONLINEclmocovifono3. BG. n.d. DoBeS archive : Chaco languages. oai:www.mpi.nl:lat_1839_00_0000_0000_0007_E81A_C
  21. ONLINEsoGonaGa. LS. n.d. DoBeS archive : Chaco languages. oai:www.mpi.nl:lat_1839_00_0000_0000_0007_E78B_E
  22. ONLINEclmocovifono2. BG. n.d. DoBeS archive : Chaco languages. oai:www.mpi.nl:lat_1839_00_0000_0000_0007_E818_D
  23. ONLINEsanjavier. SC (researcher); Eufemia (consultant). n.d. DoBeS archive : Chaco languages. oai:www.mpi.nl:lat_1839_00_0000_0000_0007_E798_D
  24. ONLINEencuentroR2. CM (compiler). n.d. DoBeS archive : Chaco languages. oai:www.mpi.nl:lat_1839_00_0000_0000_0007_E7BF_C
  25. ONLINEsuenio. VS. n.d. DoBeS archive : Chaco languages. oai:www.mpi.nl:lat_1839_00_0000_0000_0007_E7AD_6
  26. ONLINElocro1. TC. n.d. DoBeS archive : Chaco languages. oai:www.mpi.nl:lat_1839_00_0000_0000_0007_E776_B
  27. ONLINEshamanicsong03. SC (researcher); Modesto (consultant). n.d. DoBeS archive : Chaco languages. oai:www.mpi.nl:lat_1839_00_0000_0000_0007_E7B6_B
  28. ONLINEfuego. TC. n.d. DoBeS archive : Chaco languages. oai:www.mpi.nl:lat_1839_00_0000_0000_0007_E79E_3
  29. ONLINEAbuelo-GLOSS. EAO (speaker); Katharina Haude (compiler). n.d. DoBeS archive : Movima. oai:www.mpi.nl:tla_1839_00_0000_0000_001B_86E9_D
  30. ONLINENaye. JAO (speaker); Katharina Haude (compiler). n.d. DoBeS archive : Movima. oai:www.mpi.nl:tla_1839_00_0000_0000_001B_86EC_5
  31. ONLINEshamanicsong02. SC (researcher); Modesto (consultant). n.d. DoBeS archive : Chaco languages. oai:www.mpi.nl:tla_1839_00_0000_0000_0007_E7B3_D
  32. ONLINEshamanicsong01. SC (compiler); SC (annotator); MG (speaker). n.d. DoBeS archive : Chaco languages. oai:www.mpi.nl:tla_1839_00_0000_0000_0007_E7B0_8
  33. ONLINEshamanicsong03. SC (researcher); Modesto (consultant). n.d. DoBeS archive : Chaco languages. oai:www.mpi.nl:tla_1839_00_0000_0000_0007_E7B6_B
  34. ONLINEvizcachadance. SC (researcher); Modesto (consultant). n.d. DoBeS archive : Chaco languages. oai:www.mpi.nl:tla_1839_00_0000_0000_0007_E7B9_5
  35. ONLINEclmocovifono2. BG. n.d. DoBeS archive : Chaco languages. oai:www.mpi.nl:tla_1839_00_0000_0000_0007_E818_D
  36. ONLINEclmocovigram2. BG. n.d. DoBeS archive : Chaco languages. oai:www.mpi.nl:tla_1839_00_0000_0000_0007_E815_F
  37. ONLINEclmocovifono3. BG. n.d. DoBeS archive : Chaco languages. oai:www.mpi.nl:tla_1839_00_0000_0000_0007_E81A_C
  38. ONLINEclmocovigram1. BG. n.d. DoBeS archive : Chaco languages. oai:www.mpi.nl:tla_1839_00_0000_0000_0007_E813_4
  39. ONLINELINGUIST List Resources for Mocoví. Damir Cavar, eLinguistics Foundation Board Member (editor); Malgorzata E. Cavar, Director of Linguist List (editor). 2022-05-31. The LINGUIST List (www.linguistlist.org). oai:linguistlist.org:lang_moc

Other known names and dialect names: Mbocobí, Mocobí

Other search terms: dialect, vernacular, discourse, stories, conversation, dialogue, documentation, lexicon, dictionary, vocabulary, wordlist, phrase book, grammar, syntax, morphology, phonology, orthography

Up-to-date as of: Fri Jul 26 8:32:58 EDT 2024