OLAC Logo OLAC resources in and about the Narim language

ISO 639-3: loh

The combined catalog of all OLAC participants contains the following resources that are relevant to this language:

Other known names and dialect names: Lariim, Larim, Lariminit, Larimo, Longarim, Nariim

Use faceted search to explore resources for Narim language.

Lexical resources

  1. ONLINELaarim-English Dictionary. Clement Lopeyok Joseph (compiler); Stirtz, Timothy M. 2010. SIL-Sudan. oai:sil.org:58710

Language descriptions

  1. ONLINEGlottolog 5.0 Resources for Narim. n.a. 2024. Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology. oai:glottolog.org:nari1240
  2. ONLINEPHOIBLE 2.0 phonemic inventories for Narim. n.a. 2019. Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History. oai:phoible.org:nari1240
  3. ONLINEPolar Tone of Laarim, a Surmic Language of Sudan. Stirtz, Timothy M. 2012. Michael R. Marlo et al., eds., Selected Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Conference on African Linguistics. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project. oai:sil.org:70943

Other resources about the language

  1. ONLINENarim: a language of South Sudan. n.a. 2018. SIL International. oai:ethnologue.com:loh
  2. Sticks and Straw: Comparative House Forms in Southern Sudan and Northern Kenya. Arensen, Jonathan E. 1983. International Museum of Cultures. oai:sil.org:7956
  3. On the position of Boya in relation to Murle and Didinga. De Jong, Nicolaas; Lokonobei, Lino Locek. 1989. SIL International. oai:sil.org:35989
  4. Interrogatives in Surmic languages and Greenberg’s universals. De Jong, Nicolaas; Arensen, Jonathan E.; Randal, Scott; Unseth, Peter. 1997. SIL International. oai:sil.org:36006
  5. ONLINELaarim Consonant and Vowel Book. Joseph Celestine Lolar; John Hillary Lolar; Clement Lopeyok Joseph; Michael Vorgol Lochule; Marino Kolipoth Lopirimoi; Anjelo Lomong Lojakoi. 2014. SIL-South Sudan. oai:sil.org:58701
  6. ONLINELaarim Grammar Book. Joseph Celestine Lolar; John Hillary Lolar; Clement Lopeyok Joseph; Michael Vorgol Lochule; Marino Kolipoth Lopirimoi; Anjelo Lomong Lojakoi. 2013. SIL-Sudan. oai:sil.org:58705
  7. Dihimitin cĩ Thototo. Paride Anthony Robert. 2017. SIL, South Sudan. oai:sil.org:83146
  8. Dihimitin cĩ Tango. Paride Ayion Robert. 2017. SIL, South Sudan. oai:sil.org:83147
  9. Laarim ABC Flashcards. n.a. 2015. SIL-South Sudan. oai:sil.org:83148
  10. Bõõnõ. Anthony John Logwe. 2016. SIL, South Sudan. oai:sil.org:83149
  11. Nyĩlõwẽ cĩk erkitak Laarimeyyiey 2018. Clement Lopeyok Joseph (photographer). 2017. SIL. oai:sil.org:83284
  12. Nyĩlõwẽ Laarimeyyie 2015. n.a. 2015. SIL-South Sudan. oai:sil.org:83342
  13. Nyĩlowẽ Laarimeyyiey 2017. n.a. 2016. SIL South Sudan. oai:sil.org:83343
  14. Laarim Consonant & Vowel Book. Joseph Celestine Lolar; John Hillary Lolar; Clement Lopeyok Joseph; Michael Vorgol Lochule; Marino Kolipoth Lopirimoi; Anjelo Lomong Lojakoi; James Lokwangan Lokwar; James Lotabo Loduko; Jusphine Kadong Peter; Konyen Joseph Lokiriam; Logwemoi Peter Marino; Mary Natome Kamilo. 2017. SIL South Sudan. oai:sil.org:83524
  15. Iyiainit cĩ Towono. Paride Ayion Robert. 2016. SIL, South Sudan. oai:sil.org:83527
  16. Nyaraga cĩ ẽẽn Ramma cĩ Kẽbẽlĩ. John Hillary Lolar (illustrator). 2015. SIL-South Sudan. oai:sil.org:83568
  17. Thooth cĩ dĩcĩ cĩ taalio 2. n.a. 2016. SIL South Sudan. oai:sil.org:83571
  18. Nyaraga cĩ ẽẽn Codoi cĩ Kẽbẽlĩ. John Hillary Lolar (illustrator). 2017. SIL-South Sudan. oai:sil.org:83572
  19. KẼBẼRẼẼC, Volume 6. n.a. 2017. SIL. oai:sil.org:83573
  20. Thõõth cĩ Dĩcĩ cĩ Laarimo. n.a. 2017. SIL. oai:sil.org:83574

Other known names and dialect names: Lariim, Larim, Lariminit, Larimo, Longarim, Nariim

Other search terms: dialect, vernacular, lexicon, dictionary, vocabulary, wordlist, phrase book, grammar, syntax, morphology, phonology, orthography

Up-to-date as of: Fri Jul 26 8:27:24 EDT 2024