OLAC Logo OLAC resources in and about the Kashmiri language

ISO 639-3: kas

The combined catalog of all OLAC participants contains the following resources that are relevant to this language:

Other known names and dialect names: Bakawali, Bunjwali, Cashmeeree, Cashmiri, Kacmiri, Kaschemiri, Kashtawari, Kashtwari, Kathiawari, Keshur, Keshuri, Kishtwari, Kistwali, Koshur, Miraski, Poguli, Rambani, Riasi, Shah-Mansuri, Siraji of Doda, Siraji-Kashmiri, Standard Kashmiri, Zayoli, Zirak-Boli

Use faceted search to explore resources for Kashmiri language.

Primary texts

  1. ONLINEThe Old Testament in the Kashmiri Language, Vol. 1. Knowles, James Hinton. 1899. Punjab Auxiliary Bible Society. oai:rosettaproject.org:rosettaproject_kas_gen-1
  2. ONLINELinguistic Survey of India. Grierson, G.A. 1967. Motilal Banarsidass. oai:rosettaproject.org:rosettaproject_kas_vertxt-1

Lexical resources

  1. ONLINECrúbadán language data for Kashmiri. Kevin Scannell. 2018. The Crúbadán Project. oai:crubadan.org:ks

Language descriptions

  1. ONLINEAfBo: A world-wide survey of affix borrowing Resources for Kashmiri. n.a. 2020. Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology. oai:afbo.info:106
  2. ONLINEGlottolog 5.0 Resources for Kashmiri. n.a. 2024. Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology. oai:glottolog.org:kash1277
  3. ONLINEPHOIBLE 2.0 phonemic inventories for Kashmiri. n.a. 2019. Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History. oai:phoible.org:kash1277
  4. ONLINEThe World's Writing Systems: Kashmiri. Daniels, Peter T.; Bright, William. 1996. Oxford University Press. oai:rosettaproject.org:rosettaproject_kas_ortho-1
  5. ONLINELinguistic Survey of India. Grierson, G.A. 1967. Motilal Banarsidass. oai:rosettaproject.org:rosettaproject_kas_ortho-2
  6. ONLINEWALS Online Resources for Kashmiri. n.a. 2022. Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology. oai:wals.info:kas
  7. ONLINELAPSyD Online page for Kashmiri. Maddieson, Ian. 2012. www.lapsyd.ddl.cnrs.fr. oai:www.lapsyd.ddl.ish-lyon.cnrs.fr:src425

Other resources about the language

  1. ONLINEKashmiri word phonology: a first sketch. Kelkar, A. R.; Trisal, P. N. 1964. WALS Online RefDB. oai:refdb.wals.info:429
  2. ONLINEProblemy Fonologii Jazyka Kashmiri. Zakhar'in, B. A. 1974. Nauka. oai:refdb.wals.info:929
  3. ONLINEJazyk Kashmiri. Zakhar'in, B. A.; Edelman, D. I. 1971. Nauka. oai:refdb.wals.info:930
  4. ONLINEKashmiri: A Cognitive-Descriptive Grammar. Wali, Kashi; Koul, Omkar N. 1997. Routledge. oai:refdb.wals.info:3141
  5. ONLINELexical anaphors in Kashmiri. Wali, Kashi; Koul, O. N.; Hook, P. E.; Koul, A. K. 2000. Lexical anaphors and pronouns in selected South Asian Languages. A principled typology. oai:refdb.wals.info:3784
  6. ONLINEReduplication in South Asian Languages. An Areal, Typological and Historical Study. Abbi, Anvita. 1992. Allied Publishers Limited. oai:refdb.wals.info:4019
  7. ONLINEStroj i tipologija jazyka kashmiri. Zaxarjin, B. A. 1981. Izdatel'stvo Moskovskogo universiteta. oai:refdb.wals.info:4565
  8. ONLINEStandard Manual of the Kashmiri Language 1. Grierson, G. A. 1973. Light and Life Publishers. oai:refdb.wals.info:5040
  9. ONLINELinguistic Survey of India. Volume 8: Specimens of the Dardic or Pisacha languages (including Kashmiri. Anonymous,. 1919. Superintendent Government Printing. oai:refdb.wals.info:5182
  10. Morphological causatives and the problems of the transformational approach. Syeed, Syed Mohammad, 1941-. n.d. Bloomington : Indiana University Linguistics Club. oai:gial.edu:5974
  11. Surrey Syncretisms Database. Baerman, Matthew; Brown, Dunstan; Corbett, Greville. 2002. University of Surrey. oai:surrey.smg.surrey.ac.uk:syncretism
  12. Surrey Person Syncretism Database. Baerman, Matthew. 2002. University of Surrey. oai:surrey.smg.surrey.ac.uk:personsyncretism
  13. ONLINEKashmiri: a language of India. n.a. 2018. SIL International. oai:ethnologue.com:kas
  14. ONLINELINGUIST List Resources for Kashmiri. Damir Cavar, eLinguistics Foundation Board Member (editor); Malgorzata E. Cavar, Director of Linguist List (editor). 2022-05-31. The LINGUIST List (www.linguistlist.org). oai:linguistlist.org:lang_kas
  15. ONLINELinguistic Survey of India. Grierson, G.A. 1967. Motilal Banarsidass. oai:rosettaproject.org:rosettaproject_kas_detail-1
  16. ONLINEUniversal Declaration of Human Rights. n.a. n.d. The Rosetta Project: A Long Now Foundation Library of Human Language. oai:rosettaproject.org:rosettaproject_kas_undec-1

Other resources in the language

  1. ONLINEPlaintext Wikipedia dump 2018. Rosa, Rudolf. 2018. Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics (UFAL). oai:lindat.mff.cuni.cz:11234/1-2735
  2. ONLINEThe EMILLE/CIIL Corpus. n.a. 2004. ELRA (European Language Resources Association). oai:catalogue.elra.info:ELRA-W0037

Other known names and dialect names: Bakawali, Bunjwali, Cashmeeree, Cashmiri, Kacmiri, Kaschemiri, Kashtawari, Kashtwari, Kathiawari, Keshur, Keshuri, Kishtwari, Kistwali, Koshur, Miraski, Poguli, Rambani, Riasi, Shah-Mansuri, Siraji of Doda, Siraji-Kashmiri, Standard Kashmiri, Zayoli, Zirak-Boli

Other search terms: dialect, vernacular, discourse, stories, conversation, dialogue, documentation, lexicon, dictionary, vocabulary, wordlist, phrase book, grammar, syntax, morphology, phonology, orthography

Up-to-date as of: Fri Jul 26 8:17:11 EDT 2024