Archive Details

Indigenous Materials at the American Philosophical Society

Repository NameIndigenous Materials at the American Philosophical Society
InstitutionAmerican Philosophical Society
LocationAmerican Philosophical Society Library and Museum, 105 South 5th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106-3386, Phone: (215) 440-3418
Short LocationPhiladelphia, USA
SynopsisThe American Philosophical Society Library & Museum is North America’s oldest non-Indigenous archival repository of materials relating to the languages, cultures, histories, and continuing presence of Indigenous peoples of the Americas. It is one of the largest archival repositories of its kind, functioning both as a manuscripts and special collections library, as well as a growing digital archival repository. It currently holds over 2,000 linear feet of unique manuscripts, photographs, audio-visual recordings, and digitized and born-digital materials relating to over 650 different Indigenous cultures, primarily from North and Central America, but also portions of South America, the Pacific, and eastern Siberia. The materials date from 1553 to 2020, with new materials added every year. Its Center for Native American and Indigenous Research (CNAIR) is a permanent component of the Library & Museum.
AccessThe APS has an Open Access Policy for those materials in its Digital Library without access restrictions. Open Access Materials can be used freely for non-commercial, scholarly, educational, or fair use as defined under United States copyright law. The overwhelming majority of collections overall are not yet digitized, but may be accessed on site or requested for digitization. Materials can be digitized for free when in support of Indigenous community-based or community-directed research. The vast majority of Indigenous-related audio materials are digitized and may be accessed via a username and password that are provided for free. Some materials, regardless of form or digitization status, may be restricted due to privacy concerns, embargoes imposed by depositors for defined periods, or for cultural sensitivity concerns as outlined in the APS’s “Protocols for the Treatment of Indigenous Materials.”
Submission PolicyThe APS Library & Museum accepts submissions of materials, both linguistic and non-linguistic, relating to Indigenous peoples of North America, South America, the Pacific, and eastern Siberia. Materials from other regions may be archived as well in certain cases. Materials to be archived may be in any form, analog or digital, including written materials, photographs, audio-visual recordings, and other formats, including digital files used in linguistic analysis software, etc. Potential depositors are not required to hold any specific credentials or affiliations to deposit materials. Materials for potential archiving may be those from any time period, including the present day. A range of deposit scenarios are available to ensure appropriate access and use conditions desired by depositors, people who participated in the creation of the material, and associated communities. Please contact the Curator of Indigenous Materials for more information.
ParticipantsBrian Carpenter (Curator of Native American Materials), Bayard Miller (Head of Digital Scholarship and Technology)
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OAI Version2.0
OLAC Version1.1
Records in Archive
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Last Harvested2023-03-26
Current As Of2021-01-15
Latest Datestamp2020-03-02
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Up-to-date as of: Sat Feb 15 5:37:16 EST 2025