Archive Details

Graduate Institute of Applied Linguistics Library

Repository NameGraduate Institute of Applied Linguistics Library
InstitutionGraduate Institute of Applied Linguistics (GIAL)
LocationThe GIAL Library is located in the Pike Building (A1) on the International Linguistics Center at 7500 W. Camp Wisdom Road, Dallas, TX 75236.
Short LocationDallas, TX
SynopsisThe mission of the Graduate Institute of Applied Linguistics, as an institution of higher education, is to provide training and research opportunities leading to graduate degrees in applied linguistics and development of languages. In support of that mission, GIAL maintains a research library with over 35,000 volumes. This OLAC repository encodes the subset of library holdings that are cataloged as pertaining to specific languages of the world.
AccessThe library stacks are open to visitors. Items are available for checkout to GIAL faculty and students, and to International Linguistics Center employees and volunteers.
ParticipantsJoan Spanne (Automation Consultant), Ferne Weimer (Library Director)
Base URL
OAI Version2.0
OLAC Version1.1
Records in Archive
Faceted search
Last Harvested2015-02-17
Current As Of2009-05-27
Latest Datestamp2009-05-27
ReportsArchive Metrics and Integrity Checks
Up-to-date as of: Fri Jul 26 5:35:55 EDT 2024